Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oliver's Haircut

Oliver's hair was getting a bit shaggy. I liked it that way, so I didn't want to cut it. I would just trim it as needed, but dreaded the thought of giving him a crew cut, or anything close to it.

Ryan was tiring of people commenting about it. While I was in Arizona a few weeks ago, someone at church noticed Ryan looking for Oliver and Cora in the hallway and asked, "is he the little boy with the long sideburns?" That was the last straw for Ryan... :)

He took the clippers to it later that day.

It's crazy how different Oliver looks with shorter hair. He definitely looks older. :( But he looks cute as ever. :)

Oliver was in bed in the dark when I got home from the airport, and I couldn't see him very well, but I could tell right away that his long hair was long gone.

After the haircut.

I love his smile! It's super contagious.

See what I mean?

I guess he's better off with short hair for the summer anyway. His thick hair made him pretty sweaty.
Well, Dad won this time (the sneaky way). But next time I go out of town I'm taking the clippers with me!


  1. LOL. It is really amazing how much older a hair cute makes our kiddo's look. Oliver is a doll either way. :)

  2. He looks great with his new cut. And yes, very contagious smile!

  3. I love it! I have to cut my boys' hair shorter for the summer too. Any length on them = sweaty boys w/heat rash. Ick!
