Monday, July 19, 2010

Utah Trip: Part 1- Preface and Lagoon

I never would have guessed that Ryan and I would choose to recognize our 10th wedding anniversary by going on a trip to Utah. Well, actually, three words made that decision for us: Paul. McCartney. Concert!!!

One otherwise ordinary day in June, I was sitting in the same room with Ryan. He was minding his own business. I was scrolling through the day's triumphs, failures and random nothings on my Facebook newsfeed, when suddenly I happened upon one of the most glorious announcements I'd ever read. Paul McCartney was set to go on tour and would be making a stop in Salt Lake!!! I took the news well. My heart started beating out of my chest at the idea of seeing him live. I couldn't believe my dream was finally in reach. I immediately checked ticket availability and prices. My heart sank a little to see how jacked the prices were for good seats. The first couple of sections on the floor had a lovely $400-$1000 damage. Not exactly in our price range. But I knew I had to go, even if it was in the "cheap" seats. One way or another, I was going to see Paul!

Previously, Ryan had not been a fan of Beatles music. He thought it was too noisy and he didn't understand the appeal of it. So with that in mind, I surmised he wouldn't really care to go to the concert, especially since the tickets were not cheap. When I wondered aloud who I should go to the concert with, he was not thrilled with the fact that I hadn't considered that he might want to go. Yes, he is my husband. That alone should make me think of him first when choosing a concert buddy, but then again, he isn't exactly a Beatlemaniac. I have to admit that, initially, the idea of him going to the Paul McCartney concert was comparable in my mind to giving the good chocolate to kids who don't appreciate the difference. I thought such an event should be reserved for dedicated, die-hard fans. I thought it would be fun to take my mom, seeing as she has loved Paul since she was a tween. I could think of other people, including my sisters and at least one friend, who would have been much more excited about going with me than I thought Ryan would be. It didn't seem fair to leave them behind. But to Ryan, it didn't seem fair of me to leave him behind! So it was settled: Ryan was taking me to the concert.

Before I heard about the concert, Ryan had been planning something different for our anniversary. To this day, he refuses to tell me what he had in the works. I guess he was afraid his idea would pale in comparison with my choice of activities. ;) So it was decided that we would head to Utah for a couple of days, just us. We thought it would be fun to also go to Lagoon while we were in the area. The last time we went anywhere out of town by ourselves, without kids, was before we even had kids! I was largely expecting Cora then. That was over 9 years ago! Wow. No overnight getaways or anything for us since then. I guess we kind of earned the right to this trip.

Late afternoon on Sunday, July 11th, we hit the road. I drove while Ryan attempted to study for his upcoming test. And of course we listened to some Paul CDs. From the time we purchased the concert tickets, Ryan had been using YouTube to familiarize himself with anything Paul McCartney. I think he is coming to realize what musical geniuses the Beatles were. :)

We got into Sandy about 10:00 and checked into our hotel, which was within a couple miles of the stadium where the concert would be. We got settled in and naturally got sucked into the abyss that is cable TV. We don't have cable. We watched bits of this and that before settling on Cupcake Wars. The next morning we made the half-hour drive to Lagoon! So exciting!

We got there right when it opened. We planned to go on as many back to back rides as we could, all day until closing time! It was quite a warm day, and it seemed like the more water I drank, the thirstier I became.

The lines for rides were nice and short for the first half of the day. By the time we were on our 10th ride, I started to feel a little ill. We had never been able to run free like that at Lagoon without big breaks between rides. I had never felt yucky after going on any one ride, aside from maybe a headache, but it turns out that if I go on 10 rides in under 2 hours, I start to feel like I might be sick. So we decided to take more breaks than I had originally anticipated needing. :)

It was fun to sit and watch all kinds of people go by. I was paying special attention to everyone's shorts. I hate all my shorts. I think they look too frumpy and stupid (Ryan agrees) , but I can't find any cute ones. I have this bad habit of trying things on and settling for them even when they don't look good. Somehow I think they will look better on me when I get them home. And maybe they do look okay for the first wearing. But then they lose their shape and I end up looking like a dummy. Not the look I am going for...

We talked about how seemingly impossible it is to keep from making hasty assessments on everyone who passes by. I found myself observing something about everyone I laid my eyes on (I always do) , thinking things like "she's so pretty", or "Oh, that outfit does not look good". Whether positive or negative, it's an automatic reflex, at least it is for us. Maybe we're just jerks. Except for the kind impressions we have of people. It would be interesting to listen in on other people's minds as they watch passersby. On that note, I wonder how many Lagoon patrons thought to themselves how stupid my capris looked.

(There's a reason I nearly named my blog "Ramblin' Shan". . .)

This was our view from the Sky Ride that takes humans across the length of the park.

An astounding aerial view of one picturesque flower bed. And to think I didn't even have to tell Ryan to take a picture of it. When I was about to take one myself, he said he already got a shot. I guess he knows by now how much I like flowers.

Still on the Sky Ride.

Since we needed a break from the rides, we actually took the time to meander through Pioneer Village. I've always enjoyed looking at old-timey cabins and collections of stuff.

We liked the train museum. I'm sure we would have been in trouble if Oliver had been along with us. I can just imagine him clawing at the glass and begging to play with the trains.

Then we stumbled into the telephone museum. It was cool. I thought of what a great gag it would be to clip one of those huge wooden phones to my belt loop like it was a cell phone.

Someone ripped the receiver off this phone. How maddening!

As 5:00 approached, we strolled over to the indoor (cement floor with metal bleachers) theater for a special limited show by Cirque Innosta, called L'ORAGE. It was awesome! They had an impressive-looking stage set, and some crazy-talented performers. It was 40 minutes of fascinating fun! And of course it was included in the admission price.

This light fixture was so pretty. There were two of them, one on each side of the stage. The next morning we figured out where they bought them -- IKEA, of all places. Just another reason to look back on the show approvingly.

I really liked these girls' costumes. Those purple wigs were far out!

Tight rope walker.

Hangin' on the hoop. I think I could do that, no problemo.

This guy should be dead the way he gambles his life with every nail-biting move he makes. He is balancing on stacked metal cylinders, with every other one turned on its side so they would carefully roll back and forth. I was sure he was going to biff it. Somehow he didn't!

Another recipe for disaster.

After the show, we went on more hair-raising rides. By about 9:30 we had reached our goal of 25 total rides. I think our overall favorites were Rocket Re-Entry, Colossus, and the old stand by, Tilt-a-Whirl. It was a fun day, but we were all tuckered out.

To be continued...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Time Goes By So Slowly, And Time Can Do So Much.

We're just a little on edge over here lately. This past Friday, Ryan took his 2nd out of 2 tests he needs to pass to become a licensed pharmacist. He is not feeling very good about his performance. At all. He is just sure he missed the mark and we'll have to go another 30 days before he is allowed to take it again. What makes matters worse is that he won't be able to work in the mean time since his student license expired last week. (He's been working as a pharmacy tech for Walgreens to bide his time until he gets licensed.) Our rent just went up, plus we just discovered we have one student loan that we were supposed to already be making payments on. Oops. We thought all of his loans had been deferred until 6 months post graduation. Apparently not...

We should know within the next few days what the verdict is. What will happen? Will we get to move on with our plans or will they be put on hold? This week has the potential of being awesome or a little bit awful.

The good news is, he comfortably passed the first test!

We can only pray he passed this last one.

To be continued...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summertime, Summertime, Sum-Sum Summertime

Hi! Welcome to my summer. It's a regular free-for-all...

I can't believe it's almost the middle of July! Really, I can't. We've had something going on almost every day the last few weeks. It's crazy! I always thought summertime livin' was supposed to be easy.

I guess I'll begin by describing our 4th of July. It was literally a blast.

We (Ryan, the kids and I) went to his parents' annual backyard bonanza. Okay, so it was really just a potluck BBQ. This year, everyone had desserts on the brain. I didn't think to take a picture of the dessert table, though I have a crisp mental illustration of it etched into the recesses of my head, but there were easily twice the amount of sweets as savories. Ung. I think everyone wanted to die an hour into the evening from sugar shock. All I wanted was a nice green salad to help cancel out the treats. Just like the one I had intended to make, but ran out of time because I spent all my time on stupid cookies.

Here are my obligatory holiday cookies. A couple of eaters told me they were a hit. I think what they meant is they wanted to hit me for bringing them.

Jane wanted me to put her hair in pigtails, and somehow the only red hair thingies we had were these ribbons tied round an elastic band with tiny bells attached to the ends. I had temporarily forgotten that Ryan's mom was going to have face-painting stuff available, and who knew she would supply necklaces galore? I should have known. :) So Jane ended up looking more than a little like a clown. Which isn't all that bad, since she acts kind of like one. She had so much fun all night.

Shirley pushing Oliver and another guest's kid.

By this point in the evening, Oliver had consumed an undisclosed number of my cookies, which may help explain the look on his face.

Cora and Jane painted some little designs on Ollie's face. He was so excited about it.

After the dinner we went down to Ann Morrison Park, for the first time in a few years, to get an up close and personal view of the fireworks show. In years past we had been going with some of Ryan's family to a little park on the bench behind Morris Hill Cemetery. This was done to avoid the crowds. It was an okay spot, but it limited our view, and the distance between us and the fireworks was just too expansive. So this year I told Ryan we needed to go down to where we could feel a part of the festivities. We got there about 9:30. As we entered the park, Don McLean's "American Pie" filled the air. I love that song.
I know a lot of people don't enjoy sifting through crowds of people, but I don't mind it at all. I like to watch everyone, and being among a large collection of folks somehow makes me feel connected with them. Like we're all in this together. Well, if nothing else, we're all there to enjoy the fireworks display. =)

Cora's pretty painted face awaiting the spectacle in the sky.

Jane and cousins Cassie and Natalie.

Ryan and Ollie.

And the show commenced! Here's the only pic I got. I obviously didn't have the camera on the appropriate setting, but I decided to just watch rather than waste time fiddling with the camera. We were sitting right next to the roped-off field where they were setting off the fireworks. I was surprised we got such a good spot, since we weren't early.

It was fun to see how excited the kids were. At first, Oliver was scared, saying it was too loud, but Ryan covered his ears and he quickly warmed up to the pretty colors shooting into the air. He kept exclaiming, "so fun!" and "so cool!" (Oliver, not Ryan. ;)

Now to backtrack a bit. On Thursday, June 17th, we went to the zoo with my mom. She brought my nephew, Fletcher. We brought Ryan's niece, Malory, who is Cora's age. They're great pals.

I'm surprised the kids all look so relaxed with Oliver at the wheel!

Jane and my mom trying to see the tigers.

Jane, Cora and Malory

I tried to take some pictures of more animals, but didn't get many recognizable shots. Plus I was busy chasing after Oliver most of the time.

My favorites, the giraffes!

Later that evening I brought the kids down to the Julia Davis Rose Garden so my mom could take pictures of them in their cute dresses they wore for Easter. Better late than never! (Side note: Oliver wore a shirt and pants, not a cute dress.)

These are the pictures I took. My mom's were naturally much better quality. =)

One Sunday in May at church, a gal I know (Kris Jensen) walked into the chapel wearing a dress that I instantly wanted for myself. Every time I see her, she's wearing something super cute. She's probably sick of me giving her so many compliments! Anyway, I saw her in the hall later and asked her where she got the dress. She said she'd gotten it at Costco a year earlier. Dang! Then she said I might be able to find the company online. Later that week I did, but of course they were all sold out of that dress.

A few weeks later, I was out making the rounds at thrift stores. I was almost ready to leave St. Vincent's when I spotted the unthinkable, hanging on a clothes rack: The dress! It was only $6.99! It was in perfect condition, except it was missing the belt thing. But that was an easy fix with some black ribbon.

I did the irresponsible thing and bought it without trying it on. Kris had said hers was a medium, but she thought if I found one I could wear a small, as hers was a bit roomier than she wanted. The one I got was a small, but when I tried it on it didn't fit around my ribcage area. Well, the problem was, the darts were too high for my gravity stricken boobs. The dress just mashed me in all the wrong places. My hopes were dashed. My new dress was deemed unwearable. What kind of jerk designed this dress? Who, except a small framed, unrealistically perky chested girl would this dress look good on?

It took me a few days to come up with the solution. I was still trying to figure out a way to make my new-found treasure work for me. I called Kris and told her my predicament. I asked if she'd like to trade dresses if mine fit her and vice-versa. We arranged a time when I could come by for the moment of truth. She put mine on and I put hers on. She came out and looked perfect! Hers didn't look so great on me. I thought for sure the next size up would solve the problem. It cut horizontally across the middle of my limp bosoms. She suggested I purchase a push-up bra to compensate for the high darts on the dress. She asked if I wanted to trade, and seeing how the one I bought looked like it was made for her, I decided to go for it. Even if I couldn't make the medium one work for me. It fit a little better than the small one and I was determined to make it look presentable.

I got a "chest-hider" (as Cora used to call them) that wasn't a push-up, but it lifted considerably more than my current one. Why am I talking about this here? I'm just recounting how I miraculously found a the very dress I wanted at a THRIFT STORE, and all I did to make the dream of wearing it come true. Anyway, with the new, supportive brassiere the dress looked more like the way it should. Success! =)

Kris told me to wear it on Sunday, so I did. It still doesn't look great on me, but I like it. I think either the cut of the dress is a bit funky or my body type just doesn't work in it. Maybe it's the short torso, or my broad back that make it fit a bit funny. Kris was right. The medium one is a bit blousy. Oh well. It's just a dress.

Close-ups to show detail. Cora took some pics at a distance, and the dots do not appear as they should.

Kris let me keep the belt from her dress. I doubled it up with the black ribbon for contrast. I think I'll do one belt or the other next time.

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Ollie wanted some attention. I love the sweet look on his face.

Now here are some various summer fun shots. It wouldn't seem like one of my posts if it didn't include some randomness.

Ollie swinging in Shirley's beautiful backyard.

This is his favorite shirt! He wants to wear it every day. The guitars are different textures and he regularly strums the "strings" with his hand. He is obsessed with guitars lately.

This flowering bush is interwoven to the wooden lattice on the patio in Shirley's yard. So pretty.

Same yard. This vine is so cool. I think it's so neat how it wraps around the fence as it grows.

We've gone swimming a few times at our neighborhood pool. It's a pretty small one. The other night, our family had it to ourselves so we could actually swim rather than just bob around.

For over a week, our van was in the shop so I had to take Ryan to and from work a few times so I wouldn't be stranded at home all day without transportation. This Mustang was in the Walgreens parking lot one of those times. I like it a lot.

On Saturday, June 19th, I went to the Emmett Cherry Festival with Maria. The main reason she wanted to go was so she could be in the cherry pie eating contest. I didn't really envision myself participating, but when it came down to it, I decided what the heck. I had never been in one before. We waited around while all the other age groups competed. The 5-6 year-olds were funny to watch. They got to use forks. One of them asked if she had to eat the cherries. :)

Our age bracket happened to have the most contestants, so they had to split us into two groups. By this time they were running out of pie. Maria went in the first group so I could hold her baby and take pictures. Her group only had to eat one piece of pie. She did pretty well, but was having a hard time actually swallowing the wads of pie. So close, yet so far away... A tall, skinny guy with a long goatee won her round. Then it was my turn. I was one of only 2 or 3 ladies along with about 10 guys. It was then discovered that they had more pie than expected, so the officiators came around and added another slice to each contestant's plate. How ironic that I wound up having twice as much pie to deal with as Maria, and she was the one who made me do it! :)

Getting ready. I hadn't been planning on the whole "no-hands" rule, but that was how our age bracket had to compete.
Not a pretty sight.

The 55 and up category only had two competitors, who were plump women. One brought a large nylon serving spoon to help accelerate her eating. It did her no favors. The other lady was seated on a stool and had the plate face-level as she carefully forked one bite after another into her mouth. This took a while. The crowd was getting restless, wondering with anticipation who the winner would be. After what seemed like an eon, the lady with the fork swallowed the last morsel. What a victorious moment! When she finished, after the expected personal celebration and obligatory audience applause, she did the unexpected. She took a napkin and wiped her armpits with it!

Maria was cheering me on and making me laugh.

Trying to decide which bite to choose next.

It's harder than it looks. I knew going in that I wouldn't win. Some guy won my round.

High on pie.

Hey, free pie! I took the rest home and Ryan ate it before I got to it.

We had delicious Pronto Pups. I don't remember if I've ever actually eaten one before. But it was good.

They had a bunch of classic cars lined up on one street next to the carnival. This one was especially cool.

I loved this one. I found out the hard way that it was hot to the touch!

Every so often when I'm loading my pics onto my 'puter I discover that the girls have taken more shots of the hamsters.

They're still alive after almost 7 months of us having them! The girls still play with them every day.

Here they are taking in the view of the girls' room from the dollhouse window. What a mess.

I've had a lot of one on one time with Oliver since Shirley has been taking the girls at least once a week on some little outing.
At the park. (Duh.)

A really good nap.

A really pretty sunset.

A really yummy bowl of raspberries blanketed with powdered sugar.

This is to show how big the berries were . Yum!

Fruit pizzas I made for a church dinner in the park.

At last! I found big artichokes at WinCo for a reasonable price.

Cora and Jane love them like I do.

Another fruit pizza I made for an "Eclipse" party put on by one of Ryan's cousins. I still haven't seen the movie. I can wait a bit.

(This one's for you, Becky!)
A scary tomato face! I was innocently slicing it and it made this face at me! If looks could kill...

My favorite banana twin pops. I wish I could get a bag of just the yellow ones. Don't ask me why the wrapper is still on.

I found these cute paper towels at the store a few weeks ago. I love it when I find things that match my kitchen!

Last week, I went with the kids and Ryan's parents and 3 nieces to Silver Creek Plunge for an overnight trip. Shirley reserved a little cabin for us to stay in.

How quaint.

It didn't smell too fresh, but it wasn't too bad other than that.

We were a short waltz away from the hot springs pool. It was so nice.

Malory, Cora and Jane

Ollie looking innocent for a minute. The rest of the time he was aimlessly flinging diving rings around the pool, narrowly missing other swimmers' heads. I had to take them away from him.

Jane, Haley and Addie

Best buddies. Oliver loves Ryan's dad. They have this special little bond together. It's fun.

Also by the pool:
A hummingbird! I love those little guys (or girls?). They remind me of my grandparents' old house in Arizona. Because I used to see them there in the backyard.

Butterflies! Those black specks are butterflies as well. There were dozens of them fluttering around.

I took a bunch of pictures out the window as we were driving home from the campground. to be clear, I was riding, Shirley was driving.

I love the mountain scenery with the bright blue sky and the river rushing below.


And that's about it for now!