Sunday, July 18, 2010

Time Goes By So Slowly, And Time Can Do So Much.

We're just a little on edge over here lately. This past Friday, Ryan took his 2nd out of 2 tests he needs to pass to become a licensed pharmacist. He is not feeling very good about his performance. At all. He is just sure he missed the mark and we'll have to go another 30 days before he is allowed to take it again. What makes matters worse is that he won't be able to work in the mean time since his student license expired last week. (He's been working as a pharmacy tech for Walgreens to bide his time until he gets licensed.) Our rent just went up, plus we just discovered we have one student loan that we were supposed to already be making payments on. Oops. We thought all of his loans had been deferred until 6 months post graduation. Apparently not...

We should know within the next few days what the verdict is. What will happen? Will we get to move on with our plans or will they be put on hold? This week has the potential of being awesome or a little bit awful.

The good news is, he comfortably passed the first test!

We can only pray he passed this last one.

To be continued...


  1. I'm positive he passed! Mike thought the law one was harder than the Naplex and then did better on it. So. . . Thoroughly Modern Millie. . . here we come!

  2. I'm sure he did great. He's probaqbly just nervous. It'll all work out fine. Even if he does have to take it again. It's only 30 days. But I'm sure he did just fine!
