Saturday, August 25, 2012

Right Outside My Door

You know what makes me oh so happy? The stuff that goes on right in my own front yard.
What I mean to say is that I relish the miracles of nature that daily surround me. The easiest way for me to get my nature fix is to gaze beyond the panes of our front windows. That's been happening a heck of a lot lately, let me tell you. We have vibrant flowers, adorable bird babies, and leafy green trees. It may not be anything special to anyone else, but it's my personal piece of paradise.

I planted most of my flowers in May. Here's what my main flower spot looked like shortly after planting. . .

And below is the same area, only two months later. . .

Wowee! Merciful heavens, I'm in love!

I've heard people say that flowers are a waste of money because they die.
The way I look at it, what good is money if you don't buy flowers with it?!

When I bought the individual packs of flowers they started out with only one or two blossoms each. Imagine my delight as I watched them multiply and replenish over the course of the summer. Yippee!!!

The smaller flower bed to the left of the garage. . .

Absolutely perfect pink petals.

The photo below was taken on Aug. 19

Here's the same basket on Aug. 25th.It bloomed! It's been struggling a lot. I can't remember what these flowers are called, but I adore them.

Just gorgeous.

Remember a few months ago when I mentioned my affection for cute little birds? Well, I think some of them must read my blog because, not long after my public proclamation, a bunch of them took up residence in our yard. It started with the careful construction of a nest in one of our trees. Then I kept noticing finches flitting around, walking up the path like so...

I went ahead and got a smallish bird feeder to hang in our tree. I wanted to find out if it would attract more cute birds for me to watch.

Soon there was a flurry of birdies. It's been fun watching them argue over the seeds. They basically push each other off the perch to get a turn at the trough. (Hey, I'm a poet.)
On three different occasions we saw a bright yellow bird. They are so unusual around here, I have to wonder if it escaped from a cage somewhere.

Isn't it all just so interesting?!

Here comes a really good part.

Two birds chose our front porch to build a nest upon! After some research, I've concluded they are swallows. The "research" consisted of me stumbling across a book at the library while looking for shark books for Oliver. It said "Swallows". I pulled it out to look at the cover picture, flipped through it, and decided I'd solved a mystery. A lady from church had told me they were sparrows, but I did a photo search on those and concluded she had been mistaken.

Note the above photo, day 1. The nest began as a smudge of mud. By the next day the nest was nearly halfway done!

Notice the splatters of mud on our window. That's hard work hauling beakfuls of mud all day long. Their building skills fascinate me. I'd like to see a human put together a mud house using only his mouth.

After a couple of weeks we noticed some movement within the depths of the nest.

I mowed the lawn so I could fill a box with clippings to hopefully catch any wiggly baby birds. Sometime in June a bird fell out of a different nest onto our sidewalk. Of course it didn't survive. It didn't even have feathers yet. =(

On a happier note, here's one of the first glimpses I got of the new additions to our front porch...

It was love at first sight! Look at the itty bitty yellow beak! Is that not the cutest thing ever?
They look like duck bills to me. =)

It turns out swallows generally have mates they stay with. The daddy helps build the nest, sit on the eggs, then feed the younglings.

SO PRECIOUS!!! (That blur is either Mommy or Daddy swooping through to distribute yummy bugs.)

Every time one of the parents approaches the nest, the three babies open their mouths as hugely as possible.
Check out the cute cheese grin on the baby.
I love the poise of these birds. They look so majestic. There isn't such a thing as a slouchy bird, is there? I'm trying to picture a slump-shouldered, lazy bird loafing around in the grass. I guess this is the first time I've taken time to focus on the excellent posture of these feathered creatures.

Help me, Mommy! I can't see!

I love when the mom's beak is open like this. Lalalala!

Days later, the birdlings are beginning to overcrowd the nest.

The pic above and the pic below were taken on the 19th.

Either by instinct or some kind of instruction they know to turn around and hang their bums over the edge of the nest to go potty. (Not pictured)

Not even a full week later, they've changed this much more.

There is no doubt in my mind that nature is purely miraculous.

What a cute family picture. That's the mom or dad on right. I haven't been able to tell the difference for sure.

Sometimes when we open the front door they all duck down into the safety of the nest.

But other times they let me step outside and take a clearer picture of them.

I'm glad I took more pictures of them just yesterday, because one of them was gone today. =(
Early this afternoon I couldn't see any of them, so I had a dreadful thought that maybe the terrible smoke looming over the city had killed them or at least made them sick.
The parents are typically coming and going constantly throughout the day, and for the hour I was watching after I got home from running errands they didn't come back. I felt helpless. I've grown kind of attached to my feathered friends these few weeks. I did the only thing I could to help the situation. I went upstairs in my closet and said a short prayer for them. I asked that the parents would come back, and hoped the babies were okay. After that I felt more optimistic.
I got the ladder out so I could investigate. I made the slow climb up, hoping to find 3 sleeping birds. What I did find was two sets of sweet (scared?) dark eyes staring back at me. They were alive!
They had snuggled down far enough that I couldn't detect any movement from my usual station on the ground. I watch them, entranced, every day, every time I walk past the front door. I've watched them eat from their parents' beaks, watched them warm their twitchy wings up for their first flight, watched them be cute beyond belief.
This is the type of thing that brings me honest to goodness joy. Call me silly, but I'm serious. =) These baby birds make me happy. But I'm sad that one is missing. Did it successfully fly away? Did it fall and get carried off by a darn cat? Needless to say, I've been worried sick today.
Minutes after my kid-like plea to heaven, one of the parental birds showed up. =) Not long after that, the youngsters emerged from the nest as normal. Maybe they really were just taking a rest, hanging out away from the smoky air. I dunno. All I do know is I'll miss their faces when they flit away from our porch. I've tried to be nice to them, so I hope they know they're always welcome at our house. Although next time they might want a place with a little more privacy. ;)


  1. First off. . . can I please hire you to help with my flowers next year? Your place is GORGEOUS!!!!! Absolutely NOT a waste of money at all. And I can't believe your luck with those birds nesting in your front porch. What a beautiful experience. And I love that you prayed for them. I think that is the beauty of prayer. . . that we can pray for whatever is important to us even if it may seem insignificant to others (I, by the way, do not think that was insignificant). Such beautiful miracles all around you!

    1. I'll help with your flowers if you advise me about how to garden. =)
      I can't believe my luck either! I don't know how many hours I've spent over the last month just staring at the birds and marveling at how talented they are.
      Thanks for not thinking my bird frenzy is too silly.

  2. Very pretty flowers, you did a great job with that. I'm going to have to talk to you about how to make my front yard happy and colorful like that. And those birds are so adorable and amazing. It's great that you documented it so well. I hope the baby birds will be okay. Did you ever see that missing baby again? Maybe it was old enough to fly away. I'd like to think that your prayer helped, at least maybe it helped the parent bird to come back at a time you could see it and feel better. :)

    1. You're so sweet, Aubrey! Thanks. I'd be glad to talk to you about happy flowers. =)
      I haven't seen the missing bird again, but I've been thinking for the past few days that they look so strong and ready to fly, so I hope it's okay. I'd also like to think the prayer helped. Coincidence or not, I was very grateful. It makes me wonder if the parents feel any emotion if one of the babies doesn't make it. It amazes me how they are programmed to care for their young. Some people probably think I'm nuts to be so obsessed with little birds on my porch. thanks for the support. =)
