Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Oh, it's a jolly 'oliday with (Ollie)..."

Since the girls are back in school I have oodles of time with Oliver. He's such a fun little buddy to have. The enthusiasm he freely exhibits for the world around him makes me smile. He's often pointing at things, squealing, "Mom, look!" Almost every day we go throw rocks in the river or canal. He loves it. When he asks for something, (like sprinkles for breakfast) and I say no, he musters his sweetest voice and most innocent eyes and questions, "why?" It's hard for me to not give in when he does this. It's just so stinking cute. Luckily, after I've explained why I've denied him permission to do something, I can usually divert his attention by talking about what other fun thing we can do instead.

I just wanted to post a variety of Ollie pics that summarize the last few weeks.

Trying on Daddy's sandals.

They almost fit!


It's crazy how much his hair has grown in just a few weeks. Love his sweet face.

Reaching for the camera. He gets a kick out of taking pictures. But he usually has his fingers covering the lens or he's taking an extreme close-up of himself.

I told him to smile. He was more than happy to. :)

Lately, he has been obsessed with soap. He loves working his hands into a crazy lather.

He even got some on his shoulder. He's very thorough!

I can't believe my baby will be 3 next month! He's growing up too fast! But I love hearing what he has to say, now that he's been talking more and more. He just suddenly started speaking in complete, longish sentences. Not too long ago it was just sentence fragments. Whenever he sees me or anyone doing anything, he eagerly yells, "me try!" He's a very happy guy and I love him to pieces!


  1. He is such a cutie!!! And I LOVE that he is naked or in his underwear in all the pictures. Looks like you guys have tons of fun!

  2. He is a cute wingman. ;) He is growing so much, it is amazing how just a few weeks time makes. Hope the girls are doing good in school.

  3. He's a Cutie Patootie! That's for sure!!
