Sunday, September 12, 2010

Slow Down, September! I Haven't Even Finished Telling About August!

I don't know where the gee golly time has been going the last few weeks! I can't keep up with everything.

August was rather busy. It was brimming with birthdays and friends and family and movies and parks and swimming and getting ready for school.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Jane turned a whopping 7 years old. On August 6th, two days after her birthday, we had one of Jane's friends and one of Cora's friends over for a little slumber party. The other two favorite friends Jane wanted to have come were out of town that weekend. I was just fine with that. =) I thought Jane would be a boob about the fact that only Maya could come, but it turned out the girls were pretty pumped just to have a friend each stay the night. They had pizza for dinner and I made mini cupcakes for them to decorate. They had a swell time doing that.

The girls watched a movie and played for a while before I steered them toward settling down for sleepy time. They were good and had a fun time.

Moving on to something else...

My sister Erin gave me an early birthday present while at Sunday dinner at my mom's house. What a fun surprise!

It's my very own beach towel! I don't think I've ever had my own personal beach towel. And she couldn't have found a more awesome one. Not that she was looking for a towel. She just saw it one day at the mall and thought of me and got it. She gave it to me about a month before my birthday so I could actually use it before summer was over. What a nice, thoughtful sister I have!


Between Jane's and Cora's birthdays (they are 2 weeks apart), Erin made little cupcake bouquets for them. She got cute little buckets and fastened curly ribbons to the edges, made mini cupcakes, piped roses onto them and beautifully arranged them. Cora and Jane loved them!
So did I!

I wasn't fast enough with the camera. Both girls grabbed the middle cupcake out of her respective bouquet and devoured it before I got a decent shot of them.

Imagine how darling it looked with the center cupcake.

Whoops. Got the pictures out of order.

Just looking at it gave her a sugar rush.


On Monday, August 16th, (the day after we returned home from Pocatello) the kids and I went "boating" at Black Canyon Reservoir with some of Ryan's family. Ryan was at work. Some of the gang went for a spin on the boat, which belongs to Ryan's parents. When it was our turn, we all climbed in and sat with anticipation as Shirley turned the key, which should have started the boat. Well, it didn't. She tried a few more times, to no avail. The battery just didn't have enough juice. They had to ask another guy with a boat for a jump start. He obliged. It took a bit to get it started that way, then it died out again as we were idling away from the dock. It was getting dark by then, so that was that. So much for Ollie's first boat ride.

Before the anticlimactic "boat ride", we had some fun in the sand and water.
Here's Jane in an ill-fitting hand-me-down suit.

Jane, Cora and cousin Malory.

Ollie making tracks in the shoreline.

Ollie and cousin Royce.

Cora made a mermaid out of Malory.

Then Cora and Malory made a tail for me. If that has ever been done to me before, I have no recollection of it.

I wish I could ever decide on some sunglasses. All the squinting I do is going to come back to haunt me one of these days.

The sunset from the motionless boat.


Cora's 9th birthday was on the 19th. In the morning we went to Build-A-Bear. She chose the black bear with neon smiley faces and peace signs.

Later that afternoon, we went to Roaring Springs for our first time! That's what she really wanted to do, so Shirley treated us. My mom met us there with Fletcher. I also arranged for my friend Rachel to come and bring her girls since they'd been wanting to go all summer. Malory came, of course. Ryan's brother's kids were there, too. And Ryan's sister Bethany and little Royce. We had lots of fun. Sadly, no pictures...

When Roaring Springs closed, we met over at Ryan's parents' for pizza and donuts. Ryan worked during the day, but got off in time to stop in for the post-swimming celebration. Most everyone who was there at the water park couldn't stay for treats, so it was just Shirley, Malory, Ryan, Cora, Jane and Ollie for that. Cora didn't complain.

Earlier in the week, Jane and I had gone shopping for Cora's present. We got her a really cute Webkinz owl. She loved it. We also gave her a "how-to-draw-this-and-that" book. She is quite good at drawing, especially animals and fairies.

"Happy Birthday dear Cora. Happy Birthday to you!"

(I did not buy Jane a bikini. I do not condone bikinis for little girls. Shirley bought it out of desperation one time for her when they were going swimming at the Y and she didn't want to drive to our house to get their suits. This was apparently the only suit at the store in Jane's size. It did, in Shirley's defense, come with an overshirt, which is typically nowhere to be found. Anyway, this particular swimsuit is usually left at Shirley's for such occasions.)

In our hurry to get out the door and over to Shirley's, Jane forgot to bring her one-piece suit. We didn't realize this until we were almost ready to leave Shirley's for Roaring Springs. She'd been fiddling around with stuff at home and somehow missed my telling her to get ready to go. She knew where we were going, so I thought maybe she'd come prepared with swimming attire. That's what I get for assuming. Anyway, she would have been out of luck if that bikini hadn't been left at grandma's house. It was better than nothing. I guess.

No, Ollie isn't wearing a half shirt.


Another thing I did in August was jog. I don't do it as much as I think I should, or for as long as I can, but at least it keeps me moving when I do.

Becky gave me her castoff ipod shuffle. Someone had given it to her, but she wanted a better ipod that would hold more music and would allow for organized playlists. I am content with randomness, so I was glad to accept her offering. I love free stuff! Thanks, Becky!

I have lots of good tunes on there now. And it helps SO much to listen to music when running. I find myself focusing on the songs instead of the steps I'm taking. I skip past some songs that make me want to lie down rather than exercise, but other than that I like not knowing what song is next. Each track is like a fun little surprise.

Erin found these adorable cupcake earbuds and gave me a pair a while back. They're not easy to run with because they keep falling out.

I switched over to these cute M&M ones for when I'm jogging. I doubt I will ever be taken seriously as a runner as long as I have cupcakes and candy coming out of my ears!

I wonder if they make candy corn earbuds... =D


Seems like every time I load the pictures onto my computer, I find some that Cora or Jane took of their toys or their beloved hamsters.

I think Jane added a little too much bedding. I bet they love it that deep. It's like their own personal ball pit. Except it's shredded bedding and not balls.

Jane set up a teddy bear tea party and took pictures to prove it.

Here the little buggers are surfing the net.

And again with my netbook in a high chair of all places. Just because it's a small computer doesn't mean it's for babies.

I like how she set up the whole "desk". =)


Tuesday, the 24th, was the first night of University Singers. I loved it! I will expound more on that later.


The next morning was the girls' first day of school! In some ways I didn't want to believe it was that time already. But in other ways felt like it was perfect timing. I think school is good for everyone. So far, they are liking it. They are happy with their teachers and they like their pals. They are telling me they don't want to move. We've been slowly looking into buying our first home, and there just doesn't seem to be much around here with more than 3 bedrooms within our desired price range. We shall see, girls. We shall see.

After school, Cora had piano lessons. Those are taught by Ryan's sister at Shirley's house because she has a piano. After that, we had some dinner that Shirley made and decided to go with her to play at Ann Morrison Park. It was a very warm day.

We strategically remembered to bring swimsuits so the kids could get wet in the fountain.

We brought bikes for everyone; except me, because I don't have one.

A classic portrayal of the sisterly adoration Cora and Jane possess. Oh, how they love sharing times like these together!

Gorgeous blooms near the fountain.

I don't know why these snapshots turned out so hazy. Maybe it's a fog from all the goose poop strewn about on the ground.

I couldn't decide on just one or two pictures of the rainbow in the fountain. I just loved them all! I'd never seen a nearly full rainbow in the fountain spray before. I was in awe.

I like how there's a slice out of the rainbow where the water isn't.

Kinda looks like the water is coming out of my head!

After we were done at the fountain, we let the kids play at the playground a while.

Cora was off in her own little world on this bouncy duck.

I sure hope that's all I have to say about August, because I'm tired. Now I'm only half as behind as I was on my posts! Something like that.


  1. Great update! You are really good at taking pictures. I have gotten really bad.... maybe because we lost our memory card. =P

  2. WOWZA!! What a busy little bee you've been! The summer may have gone by fast, but you've gotten to do so many fun things! Sounds like the old addage is true! "Time flies when you're having fun!" :)

  3. I love your cupcake bouquets! They are so great! Hope you are all doing good. Miss you.
