Saturday, October 2, 2010

As If September Wasn't Fancy Enough...

On the morning of September 10th, we left for our annual trip to Lagoon with the Lytles. This year Ryan had to work, so he couldn't come. But since he and I already went to Lagoon in July, he tried not to feel too left out. The kids and I hitched a ride with Ryan's parents. We stayed overnight at a Days Inn about 15 minutes away from Lagoon. The kids were excited about that. Jane made herself at home by arranging her assortment of stuffed animals on the bed. Cora wanted to go exploring around the hotel (I didn't let her) , and Oliver and cousin Ethan unleashed their energy by jumping and wrestling on the bed in Grandpa and Grandma's room next door. Grandpa encouraged it; Grandma, not so much. :)

We went to get pizza and found a park to play at.

The next morning we all got ready and went to Lagoon!

We hit the kids' area first. Throughout the day, different adults took charge of the kids so everyone would have a chance to go on rides. It was kind of a small group this year. Only 2 out of 6 of Ryan's siblings (Christy and Jackie) and their families came. And Ryan's niece (Shealyn) and her husband and two kids came. And Bob and Shirley, of course. We missed having the rest of the gang there, but on the bright side, it was easier to keep track of everyone and coordinate plans.

A little boy in line with a sweet mullet. Not a very good picture, but I couldn't do much better without having the mom notice what I was up to. :)

Another angle.

Oliver went on a few rides with Shealyn and Matt's little girl, Alyce. They were good little sports.

Here they are on the boat ride. They look so tiny. I love the color of the boat they chose.

Alyce is 2 and wears glasses. I think toddlers with glasses are so cute! It's sad when they need them so early, but still cute. My nephew had to get some when he was 18 months.

My cute little guy.

Cora, Malory and Grandma Shirley. Cora tied shoelaces around her pigtails. Very resourceful. And cute. :)

Janey and Ollie on the helicopters.

Jane was bored with the "baby" rides this year. She thought she wanted to go on all the big ones, but she's not quite tall or gutsy enough for some of them. Maybe next year...

Oliver and me, Ethan and Eric (in the orange stripes- Jackie's husband) getting off the Dinosaur Egg Drop. I think that's what it's called. It raises way up and drops down halfway and pulses up and down while mildly swishing around. I thought Ollie would like it, but when the ride started he looked a little worried. I thought he was going to cry, but he didn't. He was just wide-eyed and quiet as I encouraged him with smiles and sounds of subtle delight. I didn't want to go overboard with the screaming. ;) So it turned out I thought right- he liked it!

We all met in the parking lot by the truck at 2pm for lunch. Just prior to that, Eric had taken Ethan and Oliver on Rattlesnake Rapids. They got all wet, shoes and all. Oliver wanted me to take off his wet clothes while we ate. Luckily I brought extra shorts and a shirt for him.

I love it when he wants to wear his train hat. He never leaves it on for very long though.

After lunch we went on more rides!
Then we went into Pioneer Village to look around and make our obligatory stop at the ice cream parlor. I went into the candy store and got a yummy caramel apple. I had them slice it so I could share.

Cora (in her new blue Converse) and Malory.

Jackie, baby Tomi, Ethan, Jane and Eric.

We stopped in at all the little museums. The girls were fascinated with all the antique stuff!

Notice Oliver flailing his arms. =) This was right after he had his ice cream.

I wish I could get my hands on a bike like this.

The amazing circus toy setup.

Then we went on more rides! Cora, Malory, Shirley, Jane and I went on the Tilt-A-Whirl together. That one never gets old and always makes us laugh. It's so fun! Throughout the day I got to go on a few rides with Cora and Malory, a few with Jane, a few with Oliver and a couple with Jackie. I felt like I got enough rides in, especially since I'd been there so recently. It was my goal to get to go on some with each of my kids, so my mission was accomplished!

Here Jane and Ollie are back at the lovely hotel. Oops, this was the night before we went to Lagoon.

This is after Lagoon. =)

They sure were tuckered out.

Until next year, that's it for Lagoon.


  1. yeah, looks like they were sufficiently worn out!

  2. Holy mullet!!! =) I love you for posting pictures like that.
