Friday, October 22, 2010

What Is Up

Well, here's what's been going on over here...

~ I've been doing the usual: entertaining Oliver, trying (and mostly failing) to keep up with the never-ending household chores, trying to get Jane to do her constant flow of homework; running, staying up late to bask in the silence, trying to get Halloween figured out... the list goes on...

~ I had been a nursery worker at church, but a new gal moved in and requested that calling. There wasn't a need for me if she got called, so I got canned. I actually liked being in there with the little kiddies. They liked me and I didn't have to worry about coming up with intelligent conversation like I (feel like I have to) do in other callings. The Primary president moved me over to be with the Achievement Days girls. That's a nice arrangement since it's only once every other week.

~ I am preparing to run in a half marathon with a few friends on Sat, Nov. 6th. I can't believe I'm going to (attempt to) do it, seeing as I've never participated in any official race before. It was Maria's idea. She brought it up months ago with the promise of a slumber party the night before. Since then, Maria has been having knee problems and isn't likely to participate in the race. But she's still letting us runners come for a sleepover. Now that I think of it, we could have bagged the race altogether and just done the sleepover! Welp, it's too late for that. We're registered. The longest recorded distance I've run so far is 8.4 miles. With only two weeks left, I'd better get my rear in gear!

~ My first choir concert is this Sunday, October 24th. We are expected to know our music well enough to not be buried in it during the performance. Guess I'd better practice some more! The past two rehearsals we've had substitutes filling in for Mrs. Schmidt since her mother was in the hospital and subsequently passed away. It was scary not having our regular director there to iron things out just days before the concert, but she said in a photocopied letter that she has faith that it will go well. Something along those lines. We have to be there to run through everything an hour and a half before showtime. Maybe she'll bring recordings of all the songs and ask us to please just lip sync.

~ Our ward Primary program is also this Sunday. I am so glad I'm not in charge of putting it together this year!

~ Oliver's 3rd Birthday is next Thursday, the 28th! I'm not ready at all!

~ After over two months of searching, we think we've secured a house! Our first house. We've been approved, we made the offer, the sellers made a counter offer which we accepted, and now we're just waiting for the inspection on Tuesday to make sure it's not a money pit. If it's all good, we'll be gone in a month or so. We've only told a few people so far, just in case it falls through. Good thing probably nobody will read it here! It's my blog and I just had to share what's been consuming my time and my mind. I will post more later (or sooner) on the subject, when it is official and when it starts feeling more real to me. I'm excited and nervous and SCARED. Mostly because Cora and Jane keep saying they don't want to move. We can't stay in this apartment forever. They can keep their current friends. We won't be far away. But it still makes me sad for them. I never had to be the new kid at school, so I have no clue how that really feels. I bet it's scary. They are so comfortable where they are. They like their teachers, and I'm sure they will like any teacher, but imagining them showing up the first day at their new school with no familiar faces breaks my heart. We wanted to be somewhere more central to everything and everyone. I'm sure they will do fine after the first little bit. They are both little social butterflies. I shouldn't worry, but I just can't help it.

So that's what's up over here.


  1. Sounds busy! Excited for you on the house. I hope everything goes well.

  2. Congrats on the house. Good luck this week and I can't wait to see pictures if all goes well.

  3. I am excited for you! I am looking forward to pictures. Good luck on your concert, I know you will do wonderful. :) Your kids are more adaptable than you realize, so try not to worry too much.

  4. Oh my goodness! You have so many wonderful things going on! I want to run a half marathon next year....emphasis on the next year part. Good luck with that! If you're with friends, it will be a lot easier than you think.
    Also, I think your concert will be fantabulous! How could it not be? After all your raving about your director, I would think she has prepared you all to do anything, with or without her. You will be awesome!
    Last, but definitely the best, CONGRATS ON A NEW HOUSE! WOO HOO! That is so wonderful! I can imagine it would worry me too about my babies having to change schools, but kids are so resilient, they will be just fine. And you get your very own house to live in, decorate in, bake cupcakes in and do whatever you want in! YAY! Pictures are demanded ASAP!

  5. I'm so excited that you're getting your first home! I can't wait to see it. Where is it?

  6. Thanks! It's off Eagle Rd.(east side) between Ustick and McMillan. I'll post pictures if and when it's a done deal.
