Monday, March 19, 2012

Parts of March

This has been a pretty good month, aside from the first day or two.

I'm not a frequent crier. Since I'm not a cry-over-everything-whether-it's-happy-or-sad type of girl, when I do break down it means I'm utterly crushed. Before this month, the last time I cried was the beginning of September. I guess I was overdue for a good tear duct purge.
On the night of March 1st, something sucker punched my soul, and I had to just go to bed and cry. Quietly, because I didn't want anyone to hear. I was on cloud -9. I woke up the next morning and remained on the verge of tears as I helped the kids get ready for school. They left, and I started misting up as I drank my breakfast, but then Oliver said something to make me smile. I pushed away the misery until later. I made myself exercise, then in the solitude of the shower I wept again, letting the tears mix with the water as silently as possible, well aware that any wailing would be amplified by the tile surrounding me. I look pathetic when I cry. My chin contorts, forcing the corners of my mouth into a sickening perma-frown. I can't speak coherently or relax my face, no matter how I try.

I pulled myself together to go run errands. Ryan was off work that day, so he stayed home with Oliver, and I went shopping by myself. At one point I was driving to another store, but when I got there I couldn't go in because a song I was listening to made me start sobbing once again. So I just drove around until it was time to go home. I was thankful for tinted windows.

I wouldn't ordinarily feel it necessary to document a crying spell, but I don't want it to seem like I only share my fluffy, silly moments. I'm generally a happy person, but I'm also not a stranger to anguish. And maybe I brought it up so the remaining days of March would seem extra delightful to read about.

For every one thing that drags me down, there seems to be at least ten things to lift me back up. It's like that song goes. "You take the good, you take the bad, you add 'em up and there ya have the facts of life." Life's not meant to be a breeze, so when it's not, I am ever grateful for all the people I love, and all the little things that inevitably add up to make my days happy in spite of the trying times.

On that note, guess what! I'm going on another trip with my sisters in June! Erin discovered, with mixed emotions, that Glee will not be touring this summer, but we still wanted to go somewhere together. 'Cause we couldn't stand the thought of not going on a trip this year. Both Erin and I have never been to Vegas before, so that is our chosen destination this year. Yay! We'll drive down the first Friday in June and stay until Monday. A quicker trip, but we are planning on attending a show or two and just milling around and eating. I am so excited!

How about a few pictures of things that have been busy making me happy?

Here's my favorite snack lately. They're sea salt & olive oil flatbread crisps with yummy avocado slices. Avocados are mmmmm. . .

~Oliver and I had dentist appointments this month and neither of us have any cavities! Yee-haw! Time for some celebratory candy!

~Ryan and I went on a date on Fri, the 2nd. We enjoyed a dinner at Smash Burger. Ryan hadn't been there yet, and burgers always sound tasty, so there ya have it. Plus I wanted some of their fried pickles. Then we went to see the Sherlock Holmes movie at the cheap theater. It was quite entertaining, and a nice evening out.

~Monday the 5th was a gorgeous day out, so I asked Oliver which park he wanted to go to. He said, "The brown squishy park" down on Hill Road. We went, and happened to run into Maria, who had picked up Renee's kids for the day since Renee was sick. It was a fun surprise seeing them there. If it had been up to me, we would have gone to a park closer to home, but Oliver was adamant about which park he wanted. I was glad I listened to him!

~Saturday the 10th I took Oliver to the new Boise Aquarium. We met Ryan's sisters and their kiddies there. Ryan was at work, and the girls had other stuff they wanted to do, but I'm definitely going to take them along next time. I liked it. They don't have anything big, but I didn't mind. I'd personally rather see teeny tiny sea creatures than big scary ones. Of course, I do have an affinity for little things... This aquarium houses all kinds of mini sea horses, jelly fish, sharks, stingrays, etc. Ocean life has always fascinated me. I love all the pretty colors and shapes of everything.

~Speaking of colors, there was a beautiful rainbow the night before St. Patrick's Day. The pictures don't do it justice.

Yay for rainbows! I guess we're safe for at least another year. ;)

~I got some cute new PJ bottoms.

They basically had my name written on them. Nothing excites me quite like the combo of turquoise and pink. And polka dots!

~Jane made me this cute bookmark one March afternoon.

It's three iced cookies with sprinkles for letters. No word on why it's shaped like a pantiliner. =)

~The bulbs I planted in the fall are making their appearance!

This was on March 7th.

And by the 16th, they'd grown this much more!

This is a poor representation of the flower bed in the front yard, but it was taken before most of the buds had emerged. I am so pleased that they are coming up! My first attempt at bulbs. I hope they actually bloom. For my luck, they're trick tulips. My mom said bulbs are pretty much fool-proof, so I should be safe.

~And here's a random shot of Oliver.

I like how he has a baby Iron Man next to the big Iron Man. And of course, I love his smile. Oliver's, not Iron Man's.

I hope everyone (if anyone reads this) has a wonderful spring break!

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