Thursday, June 14, 2012

Artsy fartsy

So, my brother's wife is quite artistic. I'm always in awe of the things she creates.

She painted their living room wall to look like this...

It's all paint. No decals. I think it's adorable!

This is the opposite wall. I like the little birds. ("Put a bird on it!")

A few weeks ago, I went to a mother/daughter activity at the church with Cora and Jane. On the agenda was a gal demonstrating cake decorating techniques. It was a fun and informative evening. Everyone got to practice decorating their own cupcakes using wads of fondant the leaders had made and divvied out. Truthfully, I felt lost without any sprinkles. =)

I thought Jane's creation was so cute.

She used a fondant cutter to make the flower, then methodically formed and added all the dots.

She (and I) were pleased with her handiwork. And isn't she cute?

In semi-related news, Ryan's mom is now teaching summer art classes to the girls every Wednesday afternoon. I'm eager to see what they learn. Shirley is such a talented artist. She does beautiful work. Ryan got that gene from her, and now Jane seems to have picked it up from them. It's pretty fascinating how heredity works.
I'm not just basing Jane's artistic abilities on how this cupcake turned out. I've posted some of her drawings here before, and she's always busy drawing more. I will take some pics soon of her more recent masterpieces.

In totally unrelated news, I finally broke down and bought the big tub of mini cinnamon rolls at Costco the other day. Don't tell me you haven't noticed them. Each time I've been there they've called to me, but until this week I'd passed them by, talking myself out of taking them home to live in my belly.
If anyone knows me, they know I love little things. I don't get why people think bigger is necessarily better. Somehow the smaller it is, the better it tastes. The flavor is more concentrated. I've tasted a huge cinnamon roll before, and it was dry. There was too much roll for the cinnamon and icing. So, not only are mini things cuter, they are yummier. In my honest opinion.
Anyway, two days later all the soft cinnamony rolls are gone. The whole fam was crazy about them. Cora and Jane told me to get them again next time. Ryan told me I shouldn't (because he couldn't stop snacking on them). My voice of reason (if any reason remains) and my taste buds are currently debating the issue. Maybe Costco simply won't have them next time.


  1. DANG!! Those mini Costco cinnamon rolls sound delish!! I am thinking we are going to have to go and get some too now!!! I think you also have a future cake decorator on your would be fun to see what Jane could do with a bigger cake!! I loved my artistic kiddos in class...I made them draw and do fun things for me all of the time!!!

  2. Those are some cute cupcakes. :) My girl is definitely more creative than me. I love the tree on you SIL wall. Way cute.
