Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Best. Summer. Ever!

I can't think of a summer I've had that's been as all-around awesome as the one I am about to have!
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Wanna know why?

~My sisters and I are going to take tap dance lessons together in June! We're starting with a 4-week class (only Tuesdays) offered through Boise Parks and Rec. After that, we'll determine where to go with it. I won't be surprised at all if we're invited to the advanced class for the next session. ;)  I'm so looking forward to this toe-tapping, fabulous chance to dance and laugh with my sisters!

~Not only is the TMBG concert quickly approaching, it was announced last week on FB that the band will be appearing at the Record Exchange at 3:00 the same day as the concert to sign stuff and also sing songs! Woo!!  I was totally psyched when I read the news (big shocker there).   My eyes must have been the size of wagon wheels as I practically levitated off the couch, squealing and gleaming like a freak. I love when things cause an immediate consciousness of delight in me. It's refreshing when something triggers this genuine mirth in me, making it absolutely impossible for me to keep from smiling like a madman. I don't mean to go on and on and on about how excited I am about this whole thing. But it's now less than a month away, so I can't help myself! =)

~Barry Manilow is coming to town the night before the TMBG concert! I've been a fan for as far back as I can remember. I blame my mom. =)  People don't like to admit they like his songs, but I think everyone secretly does, at least a little. Anyway, Erin and I are taking her to the concert. It should be fun! Who knows how many more years Barry will be roaming the earth. Wouldn't want to miss seeing him sing Copa Cabana in person. He'd darn well better sing that song!

~Renee and her family are moving back home! After a year in Florida, they are returning sometime near the end of June. I am so glad! I've missed her so much. Can't wait to resume the many merry adventures of Renee, Maria and Shannon. =)

~My good friend Rachel and her family are also moving back to Boise this summer! They've been in Coeur d'Alene for 2 years. Yay for friends moving back where they belong! =) We've truly felt their absence.

~Maria and I are participating in the Color Run in June! It's sure to be a special day. Maybe we'll trot backwards this time. Or do the grapevine, or sashay the whole way. Or maybe we'll run as fast as we can and try not to get any of the colors thrown on us. Or maybe we'll dare be normal for once?

~In July our family gets to join some of Ryan's family for a trip to the Oregon Coast. We loved going there last year. This time we'll be in a different area. Is Florence something? I believe that's amongst our Oregonian destinations.

I'm sure there will be many other treasured moments to feature here as the summer progresses, but this list is mainly why I'm so pumped up for summer!


  1. That's exciting that your friends are moving back!
    There are so many color runs now. Which one are you doing ? We are doing the colormerad.
    We love Florence!

    1. We are doing the color me rad as well. =) Who knew they were going to have a different one every month?!
