Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Out of the Mouth of Oliver

Oliver is busy as ever. When he's not promoting the growth of white hairs upon my head, he's saying something cute instead.  I'm about to share some of his recent notable quotes.
Walking into the kitchen one day he asked,"Why does it smell like a piece of junk in here?" (For the record, I don't know what scent he was detecting, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't me.)
Ollie and I often cuddle in the mornings on the big blue chair. Once he heard the sound of my heartbeat. I asked him what it was doing, and he said "beeping".  I should have had him tell me if it was a series of rhythmic beeps, or more of a long, continuous beep. ;)
Our family has begun watching "Leave it to Beaver" on Netflix. During the first episode he asked, "Why is their house gray?"  The kids were stunned to hear that TV wasn't always in color.

Last week we had spaghetti per Oliver's request. As he was eating, he made another request: "Mom, if we have to have dinner tomorrow, can we have this again?"  I like how he worded that first part. I often feel the same way...

I'm normally the last one finished eating. He wanted to know: "Why are you so slow at eating?" Because I like to savor my food?

He was waiting for me to get dressed, and apparently I wasn't going fast enough. "Why do you take so long getting dressed? I just pick out a shirt, pick out some pants, and put it on!"  If only it were that simple... Oliver's obvious advantage is that he gets hooked on a certain outfit and wants to wear the same darn one every day. I should really do that more. I don't typically see the same people every day, so nobody except my family would know if I wore the same thing a few days in a row. And they'd just have to love me anyway.

Me: (noting the evidence on his face that he'd been secretively eating something downstairs) What's that on your face?
Oliver: Not frosting, but...

Here are a couple of recent snapshots of our little ninja.

He and his cousin Ethan have taken up classes again at the same place as before. They started back a few months ago.
I'm not familiar with many types of martial arts, but the place they go to does Tang Soo Do. He passed his first belt test recently. It's cute to watch him. His main problem is that he goofs off a little bit, but I think he's learning that in order to earn a stripe each class he needs to focus, which is great. The instructor guy is really good with the kids.
Oliver is officially registered for Kindergarten. He's growing up too fast. Pretty soon I won't be able to pick him up anymore. I hope he keeps willingly sitting on my lap and being the cozy cuddler he is.
Here's the card he filled in the blanks for at church on Mother's Day...
Ha!  He did pretty well on a few of the answers. You'll have to guess which ones. ;)
But I have to say I've never taken him to the circus before. He's always making up stuff. And his favorite color is red, not mine. (I don't want everyone to suddenly start sending me red presents.)
Oh, one last funny thing for now. He was watching me decorate sugar cookies for Mother's Day and asked me in all soberness: "Mom, sometimes when you're done decorating the cookies do you try not to eat one, but then accidentally do eat one?" =)
Yes, son. That's exactly what happens. Ah, the emotional burdens of a 5-year-old boy (who happens to be a major cookie monster)! Glad he felt comfy enough to confide in me about what he frets over. In a round-about kind of way. ;)
I'm looking forward to our next heart to heart conversation. Stay tuned...

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