Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Buddy

I'm glad I have a little guy around to make me smile so much. I don't know how I got so lucky. He really is a good, sweet boy. He's typically agreeable, fun, and oh so huggable.

I love his soft cheeks.

He's such a clown.

I told him to make a "wonderful" face, and this was his interpretation of that request. =)

The perfect little raspberry.

He was wiggling around quite a bit, as evidenced by his shirt creeping up his back.

Now, sleeeeeep....

Well, since I posted some pictures, I'll also take the opportunity to give a little verbal update about my boy Ollie.

Oliver has been a bit sick the past few days with a fever and stuff. He was coughing the other day, when I interrupted by releasing a window-rattling belch. Totally shocked, he asked, "Eww, are you sick too?" In a way, son. In a way. . .

Not too long ago on a busy morning, I was rushing around to get Cora and Jane ready for school. Oliver had asked if I'd get him some cereal. I told him to hang on a minute. When he asked again, I still wasn't free to get him his breakfast, so I said I couldn't do everything at once! He thought about that for a few seconds before realizing aloud, "If you did everything at once, that could be funny!"

I think it's cute that he uses a "Y" sound instead of "L" because he can't quite pronounce that letter. For example, I'll miss it when he stops saying he wants an enchiyada for yunch. Or when he tells me not to yeave him in the room by himself. He doesn't yike that. =)

He still wears his Superman pajamas, with the accompanying cape, any chance he gets. One time he was about to cough, so he wanted to pull his cape in front of his face to cough into. He said that's what Superman does. Maybe it's just me, but that's a pretty amusing thought. Superman coughing into his cape...

One Sunday before church, there was a discussion about neckties and, I suppose, Batman. I can't remember precisely what the conversation was. All I remember is Oliver casually pointing out that, "Batman wears a tie... to church." =)

He sure knows how to make me laugh. I'm happy that I get to spend so much time with him. He makes an excellent little buddy.

I kind of wish I hadn't used the term "buddy". Now I can't get the song from the My Buddy commercial out of my head.


  1. He is such a cute, silly, fun little boy. I always call Kenley "my buddy" too and also then start singing the song in my head. . . glad I'm not the only one! I'm also glad I'm not the only one who belches in front of my kid. I keep thinking I need to stop doing that. And, I love how hard I can get laughing with Kenley just like she was my best friend just like you and Oliver. LOVE it!!!! I need to see that cute little boy soon. . .hopefully next Thursday!

  2. He sure is getting big. I miss his chubby cheeks. It is nice to have a buddy. At this point I only have dogs at home during the day. :)
