Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sprinkles make me happy.

Sprinkles are tiny shards of pure happiness.

Whoever said things can't make people happy doesn't know how I feel when I see sprinkles. Say I'm minding my own business, perusing the aisles of whatever store I'm visiting, when suddenly my eyes behold a new display of brightly colored sprinkles. It's going to induce a visible rush of elation in me. Anyone around me will see the expression on my face as I clutch one (or more) of the sugar-filled containers and adoringly examine it. Now, I don't get all crazy about any old pack of sprinkles. It's usually only when I discover a variety that I don't already have, and it has to be an especially cute mix.

I have 47 bottles of sprinkles. Every major holiday is represented in my collection. I have a delightful array of colored sugar crystals, jimmies, nonpareils, hearts, flowers, and confetti--to name a few. =)

I don't just collect sprinkles. I use them. I use them well. One of my favorite things is baking sugar cookies. I lovingly frost and besprinkle each yummy one. I don't otherwise consider myself to be an artist, but when cookies are my canvas and frosting and sprinkles are my media, I am in my element, and I can quietly go about creating sugar-coated masterpieces. That's my kind of happy!

I was searching online for a stock photo of sprinkles to put on here, and I came across a picture of a woman with sprinkles covering her mouth. Why haven't I ever thought of that?! Of course I had to try some on and take eleventy thousand pictures of myself. I had to make sure I got at least one good shot.

I look miserable in the above photo, but I liked the contrast of the bright sprinkles against my pasty face.

A thick layer of lip gloss was necessary for successful sprinkle application.

I wore them so long it made my lips all tingly after I wiped them off. It felt like they were still there for a while.

I think this is going to be my new trademark. ;)

Oliver came in and crashed my photo shoot. He thought it was so funny.

He wanted to eat some.

Don't I look super casual?

Check out my clavicle!
This was taken right after Oliver came in with a wet washcloth and wiped the sprinkles off my smile. I guess he'd had enough of my silliness.


  1. yay you have a blog! fun post. i love the second photo of you and the first one with oliver...super cute! welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. Crap! I can't get the pictures to space out the way I want. I keep changing them, but it won't stay that way after I save it and repost it. =(
