Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cupcakes Galore!

This is getting a little freaky. I am always on the lookout for cupcake stuff. It wigs me out just a tiny bit that time after time, when I am specifically scanning the aisles for cupcake (or ice cream cone) paraphernalia, I FIND IT. It seems to materialize right before my eyes. Today Oliver and I were out shopping and I was debating on whether I should go into TJ Maxx to see what they had by way of Thomas & Friends trains (they cost more than I'm willing to pay at non-discount stores). Anyway, even though Ollie was nearing nap time I decided to go in really briefly while we were in the neighborhood. A few minutes later I'm weaving my way through the store, all the while subconsciously keeping my eyes peeled for treats-inspired decor. I round the corner and THIS instantly catches my gaze:

How adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I can't believe my luck. The sweets motif seems to be pretty popular as of late, so maybe some of my amazement at finding things like these is unwarranted, but to me each new discovery is like a special little miracle. Just think if I hadn't gone into TJ Maxx. I would have missed the boat on these babies! Unthinkable.

They are "piggy" banks, of all things. My first thought was, I don't need a piggy bank. But then I looked at the price tag. $5.99! Sold! I know I need to quit buying things like this. But I know a lot of people who collect things as a hobby. So that's my justification. I'm an avid, frenzied cupcake collector. I love having cute things to look at in my home. They light up my life. They are my bridge over troubled water... =)

Imagine my delight when I came across this cupcake-clad stuff (below) at Target the other day. Better be envisioning cheeks flush with excitement, eyes smiling widely and heart racing, because that's how it happened.

Clipboard, file folders, list pad, ribbon spools, and so on.
The day after I got these treasures, Renee dropped by with some cinnamon candy popcorn that she made. It was so good! Somehow I recognized the container she put the popcorn in. ;) She'd seen the same little buckets at Target and said they had my name written all over them. It made my morning. I love it when people think of me and bring me treats. :)

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