Monday, February 1, 2010

What I want to do in the near future.

1.) I want to write kids' books.

I have one title all picked out. I Googled it to see if my idea had been "stolen", and my search produced no matches. =) I've only told select people about it. I will certainly not be mentioning it on here (lest someone sneaky should happen to read and snatch my golden idea). I thought of it sometime during the last year. The only problem is I haven't been able to concentrate enough on it yet to decide what the plot will be. I want it to be fun, cute, and most of all, good. There are so many dumb books for kids. I wonder why some of them were ever published. Of course there are also plenty of genuinely fun books available. I have this budding desire in me to personally contribute to the volume of good books out there, and soon!

I've loved writing since about 6th grade. From the time between 7th and 10th grade I wrote countless amusing little stories. The summer before 8th grade I became friends with a new girl, Renee. (We're good friends to this day!) She and I regularly wrote and exchanged these gems of fun for our own entertainment. They featured plots about boys, lunch ladies, getting dressed for dates, and so on. Sadly, I don't think any of them survived...

2.) I want to get a guitar and learn to play it.

I think anyone with the ability to play decent guitar is awesome. I want in on some of that awesomeness, and soon. I love, love, love music! I can't do without it. I think life's too short to not learn how to play some instruments of choice and make sweet music.

On a side note, I'd also like to learn how to properly play a harmonica. Wouldn't that be neat? :)

3.) I want to try and write a song or two.

I meant it when I said I love music. It is so astounding to me how many different combinations of notes can make up all the kajillions of melodies there are. It's a wonder that all the possible tunes aren't already spoken for. I was telling someone about this once and he looked at me like I was crazy. Don't I have a valid point? How do people keep coming up with sounds that haven't been covered before?

I know enough about music to know what is good listening and what is not so good. I'd like to take a stab at writing. Even if it never leaves the walls of my own home. At least that way I can't get accused of plagiarism. I think it would be pretty cool if I could write a song for each of my kids. While I'm at it, there needs to be at least one song in the world with my name in it. "Oh Shenandoah" just doesn't cut it for me. ;) Anyway, I think I can play piano well enough to compose something simple. What good would it be to me if I were unable to play it myself?

4.) I want to head over and check out Europe!

I need to make it to Europe before I kick the proverbial bucket. I don't care about seeing any part of any other continent until I get to behold the beautiful British Isles. My ancestors came from Scotland and Ireland. And we all know where my Beatles originated from. :) I must visit there. I want to see all the gorgeous landscapes, castles and other landmarks. Plus, I've always had a major weakness for British accents! =)

That's all for now. I don't want to have an unrealistic list of aspirations or I'll set myself up for failure.


  1. I love your list!!!! I need to do something like that to get myself a little focused again. Oh and by the way, Mike loves playing harmonica!

  2. I admire your list, especially the writing. I have always wanted to be able to write, but it was not one of the talents I was given. Keep taking those quiet moments where you can. :)

  3. Oooo--Europe is on my list too!!

    As a side note--we bought princess sprinkles yesterday at the store and I thought about you...

  4. There IS a song about you! It's called Candy Girl. :)

  5. I think the world might be a better place without our stories. But probably not. Writing some kind of book is first on my list of things to do when I get to have a hobby. We should collaborate and make millions.
