Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Housewarming Gift And More!

I swear this whole blog isn't going to be about our house now. I just have a few pictures to post that would otherwise be collecting dust in my 'puter's picture folder. And I'm hoping to make a habit of not being such a Chatty Cathy on all my posts. Part of the reason I ramble so much on here is that (most) people don't give me the chance to ramble in person. Also, when I read really short posts on other blogs I think: Awwww, is that it?? I like details, I'm thorough. And I like reading what people want to share.

Here's what I have to share this time....

A sampling of the weather the day we closed on the house.

Of all the messes I encounter, I have to admit that snow is among the prettiest.

One day shortly after moving in, we needed our driveway shoveled. Cora volunteered.

Here's why. =)

She made some snow faces. They looked so sinister with their shattered grins and eyes.

Here's our new dining set. We'd had our previous one for 10 years. The chairs had been reduced to potential death traps over time and the table was too small for our meaty arms.

My favorite part is the chairs. I love them!

It looks like there are grooves in the surface, but it's smooth. I like it.

That's a removable leaf in the middle.

Remember this chandelier?

It's hiding in our garage now.

Here's what we picked out to replace it. It was funny how Ryan and I had such varying opinions on light fixtures. This was one we could agree on and we got a good deal on it.

Much better. And Ryan even installed it himself! It was kind of tricky. And, man, my arms got ripped from steadying it for those long 15 minutes while he was negotiating all the wires and stuff. Makes me sore just thinking of it.

We got a free piano! One day last month Ryan's sister called and said someone through her work was getting rid of a piano and she thought of us. Who could turn down a free piano? They delivered it and it sounds pretty good. Now all we need is a bench!

Here's the cute throw pillow Ryan and the kids picked out for me for Christmas.

I loved it so much I had to go get another one.

And NOW! The real reason for this blog entry...

One Saturday afternoon I was running errands and my sister, Megan, called to say she'd just dropped off a housewarming gift at our home. I detected a hint of amusement in her voice. Right then I knew I was in for a real "treat".

I soon arrived home and couldn't wait to see what surprise she'd left.

I came in through the garage, walked down the hall and around the corner to the front room.

That's when I saw it hanging on the wall.

A huge painting (on VELVET!) of Joseph Smith. It really is quite, quite large.

The photos don't capture the real essence of it. Standing in the same room with it, his piercing blue eyes penetrate deep into the souls of all who meet their gaze.

Megan had gotten it earlier that week from a white elephant exchange with her in-laws. She thought it would make the perfect housewarming gift for us.

It seemed to glow in the dim light.

The history behind it:
It was painted lovingly by a lady who apparently had it put up in a Glenns Ferry Primary Room. Such a big painting for such small children! Anyway, it was widely "not wanted" in the room, but for years and years (decades?) it remained, so as to not hurt the feelings of the artist, who attended church there. When she died, someone in Megan's husband's family (they are from Glenns Ferry) finally took it down. I'm not sure if there is someone in the artist's family who would want it or what, but for now it's safe in my closet.


  1. LOLOL, a glowing prophet. That is just to funny. I like your long posts. :) I am glad the house is coming together for you and that you are getting settled.

  2. Maybe take it to Antiques Roadshow? You might be able to insure it for something...it may be priceless though!!! I'm still on the fence!

  3. I love your new chandelier! Thank goodness your kitchen table is able to accommodate your "beefy" arms. Whatever!
    Is that painting actually on velvet?! When I saw it, I was too unnerved to examine up close.
