Friday, January 7, 2011

Remember November?

Hello there. Have you missed me? We moved into our house last month, and since then I have had no time or motivation to post anything on here, but being the big fan of chronology that I am, before I move on to the present I must fill in (some of) the blanks from the past two months. I don't like letting pictures go to waste.

Here's what our November looked like...

On the evening of the 3rd, the kids were being their silly selves. I'm thankful I have a camera to document these everyday moments. The kids will really appreciate these pictures later on. I'm sure of it.

Oliver wasn't satisfied digging through his bucket to choose a treat. He insisted upon dumping it all out to be sure he wasn't missing anything good. I wasn't in the room when he poured it out, but I would recognize that sound anywhere. I love it. =) I can't remember why he was naked. I think he had just gotten out of the tub and darted off before I could dress him.

I think candy-coated carpet would be fun to have. Well, only if the candy's wrapped. I'd hate to get foot fungus in my mouth. Then it would be... mouth fungus?

Cora sharing in the fun.

Oh no! She spilled her candy!

Biff! Bang!

I found poor Raggedy Ann slumped on the staircase.

Not a care in the world...

The girls wanted to sleep downstairs on the couch and chair. Jane set up all the dolls and animals so she would feel at home.

Cora's sleeping quarters for the night.

Jane in action. She is always so carefully arranging things everywhere she goes. =)

It was a fun night.


I noticed one day at the mall that they finally added a play area for little kids next to JCPenney! They have a setup like this at the Chubbuck mall. Come to think of it, theirs is by JCPenney as well. I took the girls there on many a blustery day to play when we lived in Chubbuck.

I was excited to take Ollie to the new one. I took him on November 10th.

I think he liked it.

He liked launching himself from this turtle. I'm surprised its head didn't break off!

I love this! I usually hate it when pictures have red eyes, but somehow in this one it just looks natural. =)

Here he is shortly after we got home. He's such a good napper.


Two pics I took on the 15th.

My boy's winning smile.

Let's see.... what else did I feel like snapping photos of on the 15th? How about a box of good ol' Orville Redenbacher's popping corn.

I am hooked on this kind. I snack on it whenever the opportunity arises, like when Ryan and I watch Smallville. I am enjoying the last season of it. The past couple of seasons have been kind of lacking, but I think they'll end on a high...If I say so.

Here's my wounded toe. I think I kicked something while running one day back in October. At the time it happened I had purple polish on my toenails. Days later when I removed the polish, that nail was still purple underneath. It still looks like this. I'm afraid the whole nail is going to fall off. Just what everyone wanted to see...


On the 18th (still November) my mom had all the grandkids over to her house so she could take a group photo. I caught a few shots on my camera as well.

Back row: Jane, Cora, Isaac, Ethan.
The rest, from left: Oliver, Maisie, Dylan (in front) ,Jack, Fletcher, Lillia, Paislie and Ella.

What a fun bunch of kiddies!

This photo shoot lasted under 2 minutes. Poor Dylan is so shy and wouldn't look at the camera.


On the 19th we went to the annual "Lytle Harvest Dinner". It's pretty much the only time all year when Ryan's side of the family and all his cousins and aunt and uncle congregate. They have enchiladas every time. I brought a dessert. When given the choice between cooking and baking, I will always choose to bake.

This was a recipe I got online called "Danish Pastry Apple Bars". Basically apple pie. It turned out yummy. For all the cookies I make, I have to admit I love apple infused baked goods more than any other dessert. Apple crisp, apple cobbler, apple pie, mmmmmm.....


On Saturday, the 20th, we went downtown to see Megan (my lil' sister) participate with Chicks 'n' Giggles. They do improv comedy shows. This time they did a family-friendly one. Ryan and I took my mom and Oliver, and Shirley had our girls and met us down there.

Meg's the one in the red.

They put on a fun show and even sold cotton candy as part of the concessions. What a happy day.


During the month of November, Jane and Cora drew some cute animals. Nothing new there, but this time I took pictures to prove it.

I loved these little critters she did. I think Jane inherited the art gene from Ryan and Shirley. Soon I will post some pictures of Ryan's drawings. He's a closet artist.

She does all these without copying from anything, too. I don't know how she does it.

Cora Bug likes to draw as well. I wanted her to pose with her artwork and she kept doing the sleepy eye thing.
I told her to open her eyes and she tried her hardest.

I like her style. She's good at drawing and making things.


On the 24th I spied a very rare moment. Jane and Oliver not at each others' throats!!! I grabbed the camera quickly and now I have these two sweet pictures that I should print out and hang on their bedroom walls as a reminder of the love they really do share.


On the day before Thanksgiving I took Becky out for her birthday. We went to the Festival of Trees (she had never gotten to go before!) and then to dinner at Olive Garden. It was a fun evening!

Thanksgiving morning I watched the Macy's Parade with the kids while baking lemon meringue pies and more apple pie. Then we went to my mom's for a delicious turkey feast. I love Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for food...


On Saturday, the 27th, the kids and I went to the Holiday Parade downtown. It was snowing heavily. We bundled up the best we could. Shirley met us there. We were supposed to be watching for Ryan's niece riding a horse with her 4-H group. After a while we saw her. It was cold. When we had watched all we could bear to watch, we packed up and trudged back to our vehicles. We went back to Shirley's to defrost for a while and eat lunch before returning to the Festival of Trees. I was looking forward to taking the kids there. Upon reviewing the schedule of events, we waited until that day to go so Oliver could see the train set. I timed it so we'd be there for the magic show (ha! I accidentally typed 'magic shoe' at first) and the fairy tale characters who move like wind-up dolls. I really like watching them. The magic show was pretty good.

Here's "King Arthur".
I think this was "Hansel".
A "Step-sister" and "Prince Charming". Their facial expressions were great. You sure can't tell looking at this picture though.

Where do people learn to do this? And how do they remember they want to learn how to do it? Every time I see one perform, I think, I should try that! But then I forget to.

The glass slipper unfortunately didn't fit.

The train! Once Ollie saw this set he didn't want to leave it!

Grandma Shirley possibly saying something meaningful to Ollie.

They let kids take turns controlling the trains.

He was having the time of his life. Can't you tell? By this point in the day he was way overdue for a nap, so he was a little zoned out. But in the zone, nonetheless.

Jane, Cora and Malory before we left the fest for the "lighting of the huge tree" ceremony just outside on The Grove.

There were oodles of these candles being handed out to folks young and old.

I was surprised none of our hairdos went up in flames that night.

Oliver, as if to say he just blew out his candle, AGAIN!

It was a fun-filled day. I'm sure we all slept well that night!


The last day of November, as the icing on the cake, we signed a huge stack of papers, handed over a check and in return got the keys to our first house!

I'm going to hurry and get December blogged about so I can move on to house stuff! I can't believe we've been here a month and I have not posted a single picture of it on facebook or anywhere! What is wrong with me?!


  1. Can't wait to see the new diggs. :)

  2. Please tell me Cora was making a candy angel in those Halloween pictures.

    I once had a toenail fall off under similar circumstances. Ominously, it NEVER GREW BACK.

    In case you're wondering, this is Erin
