Sunday, December 30, 2012

Misc. Christmas

I've done my best this month keeping track of fun things to tell you, Blog. You're the one I feel comfiest talking to, so curl up and listen up. ;)

So I found this gem of a sweatshirt at Ross sometime during the weeks before Christmas. I've been using it as festive loungewear.

I don't think the clothing designer intended to send such a grim message. I mean, it's a cute picture and all. But really. Think about it. What is Santa's relationship with cookies and milk?! The poor things. And they look so eager to receive their portly "pal".
Speaking of which, at our church Christmas party we watched video clips of Primary kids answering seasonal questions. A 4-year-old girl was asked, "Does Santa have any helpers?" She said yes. Then the follow-up question. "Who helps Santa?" I'm sure everyone was expecting her to say elves, but after a moment of contemplation she sweetly replied, "his mom."  =) I couldn't help but laugh out loud. 
While I'm on the subject of things kids say... This is a convo my sister overheard her boys (15 and 13) sharing while decorating the Christmas tree. I've borrowed her exact Facebook post...
Ethan (pulling out an ornament with a picture of Isaac in 2nd grade): Awww, look at that smiling face! Whatever happened to that cheerful, happy kid?
Isaac: That was before I learned what a cold, dark place the world is.
Here's a little holiday cheer from Jane. She was about to attend a church activity that involved caroling. She did not want to go. I had to casually fetch a pen and paper after she spouted this:
"I hate caroling! I hate everything about it! I wish I could throw up on the person that invented it!"
She went, and later reported that she had only mouthed the words. I think she felt like she won. Silly girl.

My holiday decor will probably never fall under the category of elegant. I tend to lean toward the mishmash-Christmas look.

Tacky to some; cheerful and okay by me.

On the 15th, we attended a Christmas play written and directed by my 8th grade ex, Kevin. He's a good Christian fella. I think he invited all of his Facebook friends to attend the production. I like to support friends (and/or family) in their artistic endeavors, so I took Ryan with me to see it.

Kevin is the same kid I hounded for months after he dumped me for his pastor's daughter, Cherry.
I don't think he was prepared for my dramatic reaction. Not only did I pass him desperate, tear-stained notes of anguish between classes, I also faintly remember taping a bunch of construction paper broken hearts all over his locker one particularly rough afternoon. I'm sure that stunt alone made him seriously consider taking me back. =)

It's just that we were 13, and I refused to let my wild crush on him be extinguished without a good deal of kicking and screaming. ;) After all, at the height of our 2 week (at most) "relationship", he wrote that he felt safe with me. Ha! How in all the halls of Fairmont Jr. High could my impressionable teenybopper mind be expected to dismiss those tenderly penned words?! =)
Lucky for him, he was let off the hook sometime in 9th grade when I started chasing Alan, a nice boy with slicked back hair, pegged jeans, and a weakness for cheap cologne. Alan was my first kiss. I won't chronicle what happened after he dumped me for Mary. =)

I can't believe I'm admitting to this behavior now. (Not that I've changed much over the years... heh-heh...) I guess I never learned my lesson. This *might* explain why I never (ever) got back together with any boy after we broke up the first time. I made sure of that. ;) 

Wow, talk about a tangent. Anyway, the play was good, the crew was good, it was a nice evening. It's always fun to see people accomplish great things.

Okay, now let's end on some other note so as to not leave my junior high antics too fresh on anyone's mind. I wouldn't want anyone having nightmares. =^o

Friday the 21st, Ryan and I went to see The Hobbit with some of his family members. It was so good! I loved the sets and the acting, among other things. I keep forgetting how much I like Martin Freeman (who plays the part of Bilbo Baggins). He is just so likeable. I realized the other day that he plays Dr. Watson in the Sherlock TV series, so Ryan and I have begun watching that together. The first installment was entertaining, and it helps that Sherlock is played by a Benedict Cumberbatch. What an awesome name!

That's it for now. Can't believe December is all but over, and the new year is set to commence. Maybe I should compile a list of empty resolutions...

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