Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ninjabread Men

Per Shannonish tradition, cutout cookies were yet again baked and lovingly draped with frosting and sprinkles, just in the nick of time for Christmas.

(yawn) These were nothing out of the ordinary.

A little good lighting goes a long way. =) 
I found a fun new ninjabread men cookie set this year, complete with 4 uniquely posed cutters. Standing at the store, staring slack-jawed at the box, I could do nothing else but buy it and take it home.
I knew it would come in handy sometime, but I didn't know when. I couldn't imagine straying from my typical goody-two-shoes style gingerbread people, but...
...a few weeks later I gave it a shot...

Which ones do you prefer? 


  1. Your cookies are amazingly beautiful! We were so busy this month that I might do Christmas cookies in January. I love making and decorating and eating them.

  2. I definitely prefer the Ninjabread cookies! We got a good laugh out of those! You decorated them wonderfully.

  3. Um, your 'nothing out of the ordinary' cookies make my best attempt look like a pile of frosted poo. you are amazing! i love both the the traditional and ninja. What a fun plate of mixed bag to hand out.
