Friday, April 23, 2010

The Secret Life of My Hair.

My hair hates me. And the feeling's kind of mutual. We have a love-hate relationship, my locks and I. I love the fact that I have some hair to work with, but I hate the amount of work it takes to make it look presentable. If I wore it air-dried and without manipulation it would look like this. Craptacular. Now, it doesn't look completely stupid from the front, but from any other angle it does. I refuse to go out in public when it's in its natural state. Some days I don't want to deal with it and I'll pull it all into a ponytail when it's still damp. It looks fine until it's dry, but from that point it becomes frizzy and ill-proportioned and, for lack of a better term, butt-ugly. And to add insult to injury, I always get pony tail headaches. It's just not worth it. It's better to just fix it right the first time around.

I need a haircut. I was trying to grow it out. When I say "out", I don't mean "out of control". I think my days of good long hair ended when I started shedding after Cora was born. It used to be considerably thicker. That was also when it began its steady transformation into the wavy-in-a-bad-way mess it is today. I've found that having kids messes up most of a woman's body, including tresses. Or maybe it's just mine. My neighbor has the most beautiful, long, luxurious brown hair I have ever seen, and she has three kids. She must be doing something right. Or a lot of somethings. :)

This is a fine example of why I have to either curl or straighten my hair EVERY DAY if I want to maintain some shred of dignity.

After I took the flat iron to it. The back of my skull is the most stubborn area. It's super kinky. I get impatient for it to be done after the first few minutes. My poor hair, it's trashed. I know growing it out is a lost cause when my split ends' split ends have split ends! It's pointless to have long hair when it looks like straw. And it does.

See how happy my "after" picture is? Because I was finally done arranging my hair. (I got that term from some show out of the '50s, I think.) Actually, this picture wasn't intended as an "after" shot in the sequence. I forgot to take a front view pic, but this one was taken by Oliver that same day.

Now I'm just trying to figure out where and how to get my hair cut. Maybe I can donate it to "Locks of Hate". Ha, ha...


  1. That's hilarious, because more often than not, when I see you I think to myself, "She has awesome hair." Grass is always greener... :) You're kind. I was trying to think, and I honestly can't picture you in a ponytail. I'm pretty sure your hair is always darn perfectly arranged. I on the other hand live in a messy bun. haha Weird story: Said bun and I were at the store today when some guy walked by and told me, "I like your red hair. It's really red." Whah?!

  2. That is the story of my hair. Except a lot of days, okay most days, I just go with the curl. A little mousse, a diffuser, five minutes, and done. I like my hair straight much better but most days the extra 40 minutes involved isn't worth it.

    Second, whoa- your hair is so long! I can never grow my hair that long. Good luck with the hair cut!

  3. That's what your hair looks like just dried??? Your waves are pretty! Here I thought I had someone to commiserate with about crazy witch hair and yours is cute. Boo. Do I dare post a picture of my air-dried hair to prove it? Nope, you'll just have to trust me.

  4. LOL, I love your neighbors hair too. Not only long but red. LOL My hair freaks out on a regular basis. :) You will tame it. Although I I think it looks lovely.

  5. "Craptacular"... awesome. Thanks for the daily dose of the giggles.

  6. You're crazy! Your hair always looks specTAcular!
