Thursday, April 29, 2010

Con"grad"ulations to Ryan!

Monday was a special day. The day we've all been waiting for. One that seemed as though it would never arrive. Ryan graduated from Idaho State University's College of Pharmacy. It was a momentous occasion. One I am still trying to fully grasp. I won't let anybody pinch me because this is a dream I do not want to wake up from!
Ryan has been in school since I met him. That's ten consecutive years of college. He changed his mind about prospective professions a few times before settling on the idea of becoming a pharmacist. In the mean time he earned a Bachelor's degree at Boise State in Biochemistry. It was so exciting when he was accepted into the pharmacy program four years ago. There were over 500 applicants competing for one of 60 seats available that year. We had to move to Pocatello for two years, and then we had the option of finishing the remaining two years back in Boise, which we obviously took. That was the first time I'd ever lived away from Boise, so I was a bit scared, but also ready for something new. A week after we moved to Pocatello (technically Chubbuck), I was called as our ward's Relief Society President. The Bishop said he felt that I was the right one shortly after our family came into church our first Sunday there. I still don't know if that call was more inspiration or desperation on his part. I think he was kind of shocked when I said yes. :) Anyway, my point is I am really glad our life's path included a stay in Chubbuck, because I made some wonderful friends there and I wouldn't trade that time for anything.
Fast forward to earlier this week: GRADUATION NIGHT, 2010!

The ceremony was held at the Boise Center on the Grove. Ryan had to be there at 5:30, and rather than sending him off ahead of us, the kids and I went along with him even though it would mean an hour of waiting around downtown. Originally I thought that sounded fun, but for some reason I wore the most uncomfy shoes possible, and a skirt that kept riding up my legs as I walked, so I mostly just stayed in one spot while the kids goofed around by the fountain.

I love Ollie's squinty eyes and his hands resting on his back.

Cora takin' it easy.

I didn't want to go inside and find seats too early with the kids, but that turned out to be a bad idea. I waited until my parents arrived at shortly after 6:00 (half an hour before showtime) , then we went in to discover there were no seats to be had! I felt like such a numbskull. There were a few hundred more people than the set-up crew had anticipated. Pretty soon they started setting up more chairs, but they never did get enough for everyone. Luckily, we got seats, although we were separated from Ryan's parents and sister. :( Could I get any dumber? I guess maybe I should go to college so I can quit ruining things all the time! We were there an hour early, for Pete's sake! We could have gotten front row seats if I'd been wearing my thinking cap!

The ceremony didn't bother starting until 6:40. A few minutes later the band began playing "Pomp and Circumstance" (why the heck is it called that?) for the procession of the graduates, and I started getting a little emotional thinking of how far we'd come. Ryan looked so happy when he walked past. What a blessed moment. Somehow I was able to keep my composure. Didn't want to scare the kids. :)

Oliver was trying to be so good. He only tried to weasel his way out of the row a few times. He was getting a bit restless, but it could have been a lot worse. And he at least kept mostly calm until after Ryan crossed the stage to get his diploma case.

They told everyone to stay in their seats (and not have a chance of getting a decent photo of one's graduate) so I obediently sat in my chair and tried my darndest to capture the moment of interest, when his name was called and the pharmacy hood thingy was placed ceremoniously over his robe. That's him leaning over to make his neck accessible.

And him in the center of the photo walking off stage. Wish I could have seen the look on his face.

After the program had wrapped, we methodically made our exit into the lobby amid the slow-moving throngs of people. It took a few minutes to locate Ryan through the masses, but his height aided our search. Ryan's parents, Bob and Shirley; his younger sister, Bethany; his brother, Chad; and his wife, Stacey were already gathered around him. I kind of doubt I got all that punctuation right. Sometimes I think punctuation will be the death of me; it makes me fret so...

I have no idea what was going on in this shot! I don't recall singing at that point in time. I wasn't even in the manner of goofing around. So why in the world does it look like I'm mustering a my best impression of Mariah Carey in song (minus the abundant cleavage)? Why is my finger even pointing? This might be a good story line for an episode of Unsolved Mysteries,
if it were still in production. I miss that show.

Oliver checking out Dad's whacked out hat.

A few days before the big day, Ryan's mom sent me (with money) shopping to get something worth wearing to the event. She is one of the most thoughtful, generous women in the world! She's always trying to do nice things for people. Also, she probably noticed how boring my wardrobe selections are. So, I got a shiny blue blouse (finally I can be like Chloe on Smallville!) and the skirt shown. I didn't try walking around in it at the store, so I was a little annoyed that night when it bunched and rode as I strode. :/

Ryan and his Dad.

We moved outside for some better pictures.

Ryan's Mom told us to pose like this, so we humored her. Considering all she's done for us... :)
I need to learn how to stand properly when wearing a skirt.

Ollie's almost half Ryan's size!

Awww... He did such a good job in school...

And now onto another chapter in our life....


  1. Congrats to Ryan and your family! The shiny blue blouse is very nice as well. The next chapter of your life will be great!

  2. Congratulations!!! What an exciting accomplishment. And, I'm glad you found the perfect outfit for the event. Now time for an even bigger celebration. . . you are off of your spending fast!

  3. Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you guys. Your pictures are so cute-what a sharp-lookin' family! And Maria brings up a good point...spending fast over, shopping anyone? You can clean out Dress Barn!

  4. Yay for finishing school to both him and you! Great pictures.

  5. What a cute post! Congrats to both you and Ryan and I'm very glad you had to come to Pocatello for school so I could meet you. You were a great Relief Society President and I know it was inspiration that put you there. Congrats again!
