Monday, June 13, 2011

A fun park and some pretty stuff.

Part 1: A fun park

I took the kids to Settlers Park in Meridian on Saturday, May 14th. I'd heard of it many times, but never made it out there until last month. I took Oliver there one day while the girls were at school, and we liked it so much that we wanted to take them to check it out as soon as possible! It's really spacious and there is a lot to do. It even has a splash park for the warmer months.

What a bright, sunshiny day it was. Here's one of my own personal rays of sunshine.

And here are two more.

Cora and Jane had fun monkeying around.

"Help! I need somebody."

The park has an assortment of giant percussion instruments.

It's a fine way for kids to channel the musician in themselves.

A beautiful, beautiful duet...

Ollie on the rocks.

Looks like I need to get my boy some sunglasses!

He stayed put for long enough for me to take 2 pictures. Then he saw an airplane overhead.

Don't they look like angels?

Part 2: Pretty stuff

We spotted a rainbow out the window on the 2nd of May. Looks like we're "safe" for at least the rest of this year.

I never get sick of seeing rainbows. They're so pretty.

I previously posted a picture of this flowering shrub in our yard. Among my photo files, I found the picture I should have posted to begin with. I thought I didn't have a better close-up, but I actually did! I hate it when I share pictures and then find/take better ones of the same thing when the topic has changed. Luckily, flowering shrub pictures are never old news. =)
Aren't the tiny blooms absolutely adorable? They have since withered, so that's reason enough to post a photo now.

I'm in love with this bush that's flourishing right outside our back window.

I love the big, fluffy tufts of pale green petals.

I had no way of knowing this bush would yield flowers the same color as the paint I chose for our living room! What a fun coincidence!

1 comment:

  1. We should all take the kids there someday! I've never been. Did you start crying and yelling "what does this mean!?!" when you saw the rainbow? We had one of those snowball plants growing up and my mom would always send me out to cut a few to bring in to liven up the house. Beautiful!
