Sunday, June 12, 2011

How Mother's Day Was

It's driving me crazy that I'm so behind on my blog. I don't know what I'm in such a hurry for. It's not like anyone's eagerly waiting to read all about my May.

Anyway, I've broken the month down into a series of smaller, manageable posts.

It just wouldn't be May without Mother's Day.

Cora and Jane gave me the presents they made at school. Cora personalized a coupon book for me.

In case it's not clear enough, this one offers "something easy".

I asked her why she didn't finish writing her name on some of the coupons. I thought maybe she'd gotten distracted or she ran out of time. I assumed incorrectly. She said she only put part of her name on the tasks she didn't really want to do-- the fewer letters, the less excited she felt about completing the "chore". Little stinker!

She's almost completely willing to do "nothing hard". =)

I guess if I want cookies I'll have to bake them myself... ;)

The kids in her class also made little magnetic sticky notepads for their moms.

"Have a nice Mother's Day. That is all I could think of to say." I guess she thought I could use a little ego deflation on my special day.

Janey's a bit more open with her affection, like her mom is.

I think she loves me.

This is the gift bag she decorated.

Her class made these tiles, or coasters. So cute.

I was trying to give in to my wavy hair for the day, so I followed (at least, I think I did) the instructions on the green Garnier Fructis bottle, spraying my hair and twisting it up in small sections. I was supposed to let it dry completely before removing the twisties, but I ran out of time, so I had to unleash it before it had cured properly.

So, it looked more "amazing" in this picture than it did when I let it down and went to church.

End of hair story...

In case anyone was bummed, I have another hair story. I put sponge curlers in Jane's hair the night before Mother's Day. My mom used to put pink sponge curlers in my hair to prep it for Sundays. Not every week, but often enough.

Jane has a ton of hair!

Shoot! The next picture is out of place. There was one more thing that Jane gave me with the present she made. A "complete the sentence" page all about me.

I'm pretty as a WHAT?! Oh... a princess! Heh, heh... *cough*

To top it off, I apparently know 1+1.

Sorry to be so disorganized. Here's Curly Jane.

Not the best portrait of her, but I was going to make us late for church if I didn't unhand the camera and finish getting ready.

Church was nice. The kids all got up to sing the obligatory "Mother, I Love You" with the enormous Primary. Oliver was the most excited, but he didn't sing. He just wanted to march up there and show me how cute he was.
All the moms got a candy bar at the conclusion of sacrament meeting. We didn't stay for classes that day. Oliver desperately needed a nap and I needed to decorate the cake/cupcakes before dinner at my parents'. Plus Ryan was at work. On the way home, the kids and I each ate 1/4 of my Hershey's bar.

I stole the idea for the flowers from a cupcake book. Super easy, very pretty. I love making stuff like this. Jane assembled some of the flowers. She was very eager to help! I would have added more detail, like leaves, but I ran out of time. Plus I suck at leaves.

The petals are diagonally sliced mini marshmallows dipped in colored sugar. I give credit to the authors of the book, What's New, Cupcake?, although I did modify their chrysanthemum instructions to make daisies for some of the cupcakes.

Notice the chocolate jimmies scattered along the edge to resemble pieces of dirt.

Ack! I swear Blogger hates me. Lately, some of the pictures I tell it to post don't show up in the (reverse) order I clicked on them. I don't usually have problems with it, so it's not that I don't know how to do it.

Here's a picture of the back of Jane's curly Mother's Day hair.

And that's all for Mother's Day, 2011: Shannon Edition
I'm happy to be a mom, and I love my kids to bits!


  1. Oh my goodness I was laughing SOOOO hard at the presents from your kids. Cora is SO funny! Just remember, she did sign "CO" on the cookies so you get half a batch. And my mom totally did sponge rollers. Next week I want to see pictures of you after sleeping in sponge rollers. Finally that cake is so stinking cute. I only wish I enjoyed things like so I could make brilliant creations too. Oh. . . that wasn't the last thing. I at first thought the "1+1" was "It!" which makes the statement pretty funny too.

  2. I used to take pictures of my bed and stuffed animals as well...I still have a ton of Kermit pictures.

    I can't believe Cora actually told you the truth about those coupons! I love that she couldn't even be bothered to feign enthusiasm. This is something you'll be able to use against her for years to come!

    By the way, I'm always eagerly anticipating your updates. :)
