Thursday, May 10, 2012

Olympic sized sandbox

Ryan decided to make a sandbox in our side yard. He grew up with one in his parents' backyard, so he thought our kids should have one, too.

There is a dog run in our yard with a chain link fence, and if I have my way, we will never have a dog, so why not make use of the space?

Ryan surrounded the lower perimeter of the fence with boards, screwed them together, then he and his dad went to pick up a truck load of sand.

He did a lot of shoveling and wheelbarrowing.

For the past month or so, Ryan has been sporting a beard. Running my fingers through it one night, I told him it felt like a crotch. I do think he looks good with it, and he keeps getting comments about it at work and anywhere else he goes where people are shocked to see him with a full face of hair. I'm not sure how long he'll keep it.

It bothers me that the gas meter is surrounded by sand, and I keep fretting about it. Ryan and his dad didn't seem to think it was a problem, so I sure hope they're right!

That's a lot of sand! It's been fun so far. It's on the shady side of the house, too, so that's dandy.

1 comment:

  1. i burst out laughing at your crotch statement. :-D but i will say he does look great with a beard!
