Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Puke Patrol

Oliver didn't get to go to karate class after all today, poor kid. It's crazy how one day a kid can feel terrific, playing at the park and running to and fro- then the next, feel completely yucky. He's been sick all day, wanting to do nothing other than sleep. This morning when he woke up, he didn't want to eat, saying his tummy was hurting. Usually the first thing he asks for every day is a treat, but he didn't today. After only a few bites of breakfast, he went and got back in his bed to rest. When I got out of the shower, I checked on him, and he was asleep. A bit later when I was getting ready, I heard him crying. I went to the bonus room and he was sitting in a sad lump on the couch. He said he couldn't find me. =( Ever since then, I've been sitting with him, trying to make him as comfy as possible. He's such a sweet little guy.

When the girls got home from school, Cora jumped right in and wanted to help Oliver feel better. She asked him what he needed, brought him some ice water, and even took him and his pillows and blanket outside to lie on the trampoline, believing that fresh air would do him good. Cora and I sprawled out on either side of our little sickie until the blackness of the tramp absorbed too much sun. By then, Cora had run inside to assist Jane with something, and I moved Oliver down to the grass, since I couldn't scoot the trampoline into the shade, even with my massive biceps.

Not long after I'd spread out his bedding and situated him and myself upon it, he sat up with a big, worried frowny face. I knew it could only mean one thing, so I pulled the edge of his Thomas blanket up and helped his face to the grass beyond it. Just in the nick of time! Good thing it was mostly water. ;)

He's been sleeping most of the day, only waking to drink water and stare out the window. Now I'm stationed next to him hoping he won't need to use this bowl again. Before I brought him back inside to the couch, he asked if he could go play at a friend's house tomorrow, and I said he could if he's all better. He reasoned that if he needed to "cough" (puke) he could cough in his friend's grass. Ha! I'm sure they'd be thrilled about that.

I have a few funny things Oliver has said lately that I want to share. I was going to last night, but I ran out of time and decided to just publish the post instead of saving it to finish later.

A few weeks ago Oliver asked, "Mom, why can we never go on a plane to go on a trip?" Before I could reply, he added, "We could bring some parachutes, too!"
Can you just see us jumping out of an airliner? He thought it sounded perfectly reasonable. =)

A week or so ago, I was showing Oliver some online Marvel games. He was trying his best to keep Iron Man from getting fired upon, but the game was a little advanced for a 4-year-old. I suggested we look elsewhere for a Thomas (the tank engine) game, or something easier. I thought he'd go for that idea, but instead he yelled, "No! Thomas might get shot!"
=) I had a good laugh over that visual.

I'm stealing the last one from a Facebook post I wrote last month.

I asked Oliver if I could finish his uneaten applesauce. I thought he'd just let me, but instead he proceeded to lecture me, acting like it was the yuckiest idea ever. He was concerned about what would happen if I ate his germs. "If you eat my germs, you're gonna turn four. . . and I'm gonna turn into a girl!"
Sounds like a warped version of "Freaky Friday", and he's never even seen it.

I love my boy, and I hope he's back to his normal, fun-filled self tomorrow. So we can have a treat after breakfast.

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