Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jane Turned Eight!

It's true- our little Jane is no longer seven. Her birthday was August 4th. She'd been planning the details of her big day for many weeks. She wanted to have Mexican food for dinner (from Los Beto's), then go bowling, then have monkey bread instead of cake. We invited a few friends and cousins over to our house to celebrate. We ate first, then we took the group bowling. I planned accordingly and we got there early enough to qualify for half price Thursday. After that, we came back home for Jane's requested monkey bread and ice cream. Dessert was a hit! Then it was time for presents before everyone had to go home. It was insane how quickly 4 hours went!

I actually put up a few decorations.

Jane opened a couple of presents in the morning to get her through the day.

She got the Build-a-Bear pink poncho she'd been wanting.

My mom, Cora, and Cora's friend, Keisha.

Cousin Ethan and Oliver.

Ryan, his rump, and Oliver.

Emma (our neighbor) and the birthday girl.

Friend Maya with Janey

He looked so cute in bowling shoes.

Cora's eyes match the ball.

There's no way that wish isn't going to come true.

I think someone's trying to sneak a smackerel of monkey bread.

The dress Cora picked out for Jane.

Jane's cousins and friends and their birthday offerings.

The party was a success. Somehow we made it happen despite the fact that it was one of the hardest weeks of my life.

1 comment:

  1. 8 years old - woo-hoo! It's such a fun, special birthday. :)
