Monday, March 15, 2010

My weekend in pictures ... well, some of it.

It was a pretty lazy weekend. Nothing much going on. Friday night after the kids went to bed, Ryan and I watched a few episodes of The Office. We've missed the last season and a half for some reason. A couple of weeks ago I heard something about Jim and Pam having a baby. I had no clue! I'm so out of the TV loop. The only shows we regularly watch are Smallville and Glee, and we usually watch them online a few days after they air. So we watched the two baby episodes and the St. Patrick's Day one. I think we'll start at the beginning of the season and figure out who some of the new characters are. It's a fun show. One of the main highlights for me is Jim's facial expressions. He's good.

Oliver watching Thomas and Friends on Saturday:

On Saturday, Jane went to play at a friend's house for several hours and Cora was at home being bored. She really is a social butterfly. But if her friends aren't around she loves reading. She's awesome at it. She's currently reading "Princess Academy" by Shannon Hale. It's geared toward tweens. I read it a while ago and really liked it. I am curious to see if she grasps the plot and can remember much about it. I bet she'll comprehend more than I even did. She's a sharp girl.

Jane and Oliver before bed on Saturday. Notice Jane's adorable cupcake jammies. I only wish I could find those in my size!

I went out for a bit on Saturday afternoon to get stuff for Sunday dinner and to get some flowers for my friend Maria's birthday. I saw these daffodils and had to get some to add cheer to my surroundings. I had kind of a rough week, and I've been doing awesome on my spending freeze, so I thought I deserved a 2-dollar bouquet of happy daffodils. They really do make a difference in my mood. I love the sight and smell of fresh flowers. Well, some are actually pretty stinky, but I don't discriminate too much. They mean well... ;)

When I bought them, a few of the buds were not yet opened and some looked dilapidated.

But after just a little while in a water-filled vase they blossomed fully. I love how that works.

I think daffodils are my very favorite flower. They are unique and cheerful and so perfectly designed. Plus they kind of remind me of those little eatable (did you know that's a real word?) teacups in "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory". :)

I made these little Primary teacher thank-yous on Saturday night. It was my month. It took me about 3 hours, without help. I knew exactly what I was going to do: shamrock cookies and gold chocolate coins. I made the cookies, of course, and attached little notes to the cellophane baggies, saying "We're so lucky to have you as a Primary teacher!" I thought about adding "You're worth your weight in gold coins!" but decided against it. ;)

I went to bed at 2-ish (well, technically 3...) and got up just before 8 to get showered and ready for church. I woke up from a bad dream. One of those that kind of lingers the whole day and leaves me in a funk. Sometimes I hate dreaming. Anyway, we were all kind of scrambling to get ready, but we made it just in time.

After church we had grilled cheese sandwiches and then I took a nap with Oliver for a couple of hours. When I woke up, Jane came in and showed me the cute picture she had drawn for me. It was a sunshine, lollipops and rainbows theme. The fluffy clouds and sunny sky above, with a colorful rainbow - and lollipops "growing" underneath. She knows I like that song. What a sweet girl.

After naps, we went to my sister Megan's for a spaghetti dinner with the whole fam. It was much needed. I like hanging out with them. I also really like eating! My stepdad's brother, Roger, and his wife were there. They had their teenaged twin daughters with them. Cute girls, they are. Their family lives in Hailey, and I have not seen them in a lot of years! So it was nice having them there.

Along with the delicious spaghetti that Megan made, Erin brought stuff for Italian sodas, Chelsie brought green salad, Mom brought an orange marshmallow salad, and Gavin brought garlic bread. Yum! I brought dessert: ice cream sundaes in waffle bowls with all the fixins! I would have brought cookies, but I didn't think there were enough leftover shamrocks, plus that's what I contributed for Valentine's dinner with them. I wouldn't want to bore them with the same thing over and over. Anyway, the sundaes were a good choice. I didn't see one disappointed face in the whole group.

Did I miss anything?

I know it's not too exciting in my neck of the woods right now, but this is my life. Deal with it. :)


  1. sounds like the perfect sunday to me! wish mine was like that. ours started at 9 and kept right on going till 7:30. way to long and exhausting. all church related. glad you had a great day!

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