Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Playing outside

I am always excited when the days start warming up a bit. The kids have been taking advantage of the change in weather. I will go out if there is no cold wind involved. I am hoping that as soon as possible after Ryan graduates we can get a house with a fenced yard. Oliver loves being outside but obviously can't go out without tight supervision. We have a nice grassy area behind our apartments, but Oliver won't play back there much. If it were up to him, he'd be goofing around in the parking lot. He can get away fast so I always keep my beady eyes on him. I even tied a bell on the front door handle so I can hear if he tries to escape! There is nothing scarier than realizing he's gone outside and I don't know which way to run first to find him. It's happened a couple times, and it's not going to again. Too many cars out there! I went outside the other day to find this creation that Cora and her friends made out of bricks, rocks and dried grass. They brought out little doll furniture and played with it for a while. I thought it looked so cool! Such imaginative kids.

Jane trying to get something from Oliver.

Last week we went over to my mom's so she could take pictures of the kids. Afterward, we played out in their yard and I took some of my own photo memories. Above: I was feeling undocumented (note the surly facial expression), so I turned the camera on myself to get this ultra-flattering shot.

Cora posing out front.

Oliver, in the manner of cursing something.

Cora and Oliver crouching on a rock considering the flowers.

Look, Mom! A rock!!!

He likes to drive these little Chevron cars around.

Getting ready to throw a pebble.

Jane was inside hanging out with Grandma and playing with a doll.

Cora found one of my childhood hideouts. Of course it's more effective when the hedge actually has leaves.

In the backyard. The driveway leading to Grandpa's shop slopes down for an optimal trike riding experience.

I can't wait until the days get even warmer!

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