Monday, March 29, 2010

A walk, lots o' rocks and an otter.

Last evening, Ryan and I took Oliver on a walk. The girls were playing at a friend's house and chose not to come along with us. I wish they would have, but they were having so much fun so I didn't make them. What a sweet mom I am...

Oliver was sauntering along at a snail's pace. He didn't want to be carried and he kept stopping every time he saw rocks. He's passionate about rocks. He brings them inside, carries them around, but mostly he loves throwing them in the water.
We were going to the river that is a short walk from us, behind the subdivision behind our apartment complex. That's the one thing I love about our location. It's so pretty back by the river.

Tightwall walking.

The second we got to the rocks he got right down to business.

Evidence that we were both there at the same time.

Winding up...

Words aren't necessary.

So glad Ryan had the camera handy to catch me brushing dirt from my seat.

I love his little pose. He looks as though he's deeply contemplating something. Probably rocks.

Wiping junk from his dirty hands. He can't stand being messy.

I saw a creature jogging (yes, it was jogging) on the other side of the river. It looked like a ferret, but I couldn't think of a reason one would be along the river, unless it was a runaway pet. After a minute of Ryan and making "wild" guesses at its identity, I said, "Maybe it's an otter!" I don't think I've ever seen an otter in person. The only thing I had to go by was the illustrated Otto the Otter featured in those water safety coloring books they give out at school. They don't have otters at the zoo, at least not that I recall. It was too long and skinny to be a beaver or a badger. I'm sure it was an otter. My camera would not zoom far enough to get a good picture of it, dang it! If you look closely near the shoreline at the center of the above pic below the two tall trees you'll see a small, dark figure. That's him! He was so cute.

It was very overcast. Here's the sun trying to peek through the clouds.

Having a little fun by the real estate signs on the way home.

I had a hunch it would come to this.

No comment.

This house always has a cardboard standup of Zac Efron in the garage window. The first time I saw it it scared the crud out of me!

Pretty flowers along the way. I promise I didn't pick any.

Mallards in the canal by our apartments.

Oliver didn't like riding up so high on Daddy's shoulders. He was a little freaked out. Or maybe he was just mad that it kept him from scrambling for rocks on our way home. Either way, he wanted down!

After we got done at the river we collected Cora and Jane and went home.

Classic sisterly love.

What a nice little adventure we had. I am excited for warm weather so we can be outside more.


  1. Really great stuff. Love the real estate shots - you are so clever. :)
