Thursday, March 11, 2010

Oliver, Oliver, never before has a boy wanted more!

It may seem like I talk about Oliver an awful lot. But he's the one I spend the most time with. We're home together all day while the girls and Dad are at school. He's our little guy. The past year has not been my easiest, but with Oliver around delivering daily doses of good cheer, life is good. It's next to impossible to be a sad sack when he has anything to do with it. He keeps me going and pretty much always turns my frowns upside-down.

Oliver is such a caring boy. If he sees someone crying he rushes to offer a gentle hug. Cora's not sad in this picture, but this is the only shot I have of him hugging someone.

Oliver finds joy in the simple things, like jumping on the bed.

Here he is wearing his training underpants (taken a couple months ago, actually). He looks so adorable in them and he seems to enjoy wearing 'em.
He's been steadily potty-training for a while now. He recognizes when he needs to poop, and accordingly grabs his bum, and wincing, he says, "ow...poop." He has gone on the toilet more often than not the last week. Now I just need to focus and get him to go on the potty for pee time, too. ;) Then we'll be all set!

He regularly spills things. If he can reach it, he will spill it. On purpose. I think he likes the sounds and sights of stuff, cereal in particular, cascading out of the container and all over the floor. He's usually pretty good about helping clean up his personal disaster areas. Now if only I could ever learn to keep EVERYTHING out of his reach in the first place...

He likes to sleep with his teddy bear, Cocoa. I named it for him because I knew he could say it, and it's cute hearing him say Cocoa. :)

Trying to hide from Mommycam.

He is often found carefully and slowly maneuvering toy trains, cars or trucks across any available surface.


I rather like his longish surfer boy hairdo. Ryan was saying we should cut it, but I regretted it last time, so I'm not giving in. I'll maintain it at this length the best I can. He looks too grown-up with his hair trimmed short. And I just like it longer because I do. ;)

He's been requesting cocoa to drink some mornings. He likes to help with the scooping of the powder and tries his best to mix it in. A few days ago he said his first full sentence: "It's too hot, Mommy." So sweet. You'd have to hear it to fully appreciate it.

Cocoa 'stache. It kind of suits him.

I asked him where Ollie was, and he pointed to his cheek. He looks so serious.

But not for long!

He's been really interested in drawing. He scribbles intently on anything he can. He's always wanting someone to draw for him. I hope that means he's going to be an artist like his dad and Grandma! I love hearing him eagerly request that one of us "doo-wah" him a "cheeew-cheeew-cheeew" (train).

Whenever I ask him a yes or no question, he answers thoughtfully, "ummm, uh-huh!" or "ummm, no."

He seems to always know what he wants. But only after a bit of pondering over each decision he's faced with. One can learn a lot from a little child.

I love Oliver!

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