Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Silent Choir

We had a Relief Society Birthday dinner this evening at the church. Wendy Doughty was in charge of putting together a so-called silent choir as the after dinner entertainment. I guess she was told to use "Give Said the Little Stream" as the song. It's the same idea as that video on YouTube of the silent monks performing "The Hallelujah Chorus".

So, long story short, I volunteered to be one of the eight participants in the little presentation. We practiced for a bit on Friday, then we ran through it a few more times right before the dinner started, so with that short allotment of rehearsal time I thought we did pretty well. I think everyone held up the right words at the appropriate times.

I hope this video works. It's recorded on my regular camera (not that I have any other kind of camera), and it does not allow for zooming and my friend couldn't get much closer. Plus the music wasn't loud enough so it's difficult to hear the words on the video, and it was too dark in there to see the words we were holding up. Other than that the conditions were just perfect. ;) At least you get the idea. It's hard to tell by watching this, but we all have matching pink bandanas tied around our mouths since we didn't have big monk robes with which to shroud our faces.

The theme for the night was Pretty in Pink. The R.S. President in our ward is serious about her decorating. She paints awesome murals and always makes things look gorgeous. I was going to take some pics of the gym in all its glory, but after the video and one other picture my camera's batteries were unfortunately depleted.

The collective startled outcry at the end was thanks to a strand of lights that came unhinged and almost fell on a table inhabited by innocent ladies. Did I do that? (to be read in an annoying Urkel voice)


  1. I love your posts, lady! Do you have my blog address? If not, let me know and I'll invite you to it.

  2. That was so funny! Bummer that the video is so dark!!! Did anyone else video it?

  3. I think Leah got a vid of it. I haven't seen her since.
